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Lexi's POV

Rue leaves early in the morning to get ready for school.

As I shower, I think about everything she said last night. Rue almost left... my heart aches just thinking about that.

And Jules hurt her. She hurt MY best friend.

When I first met Jules, I thought she was cool. But when I saw how close her and Rue were getting and how distant Rue was becoming from me of course I got jealous.

I remember the night we all went to the carnival and Gia said that she thought Rue was in love with Jules. I simply replied "I haven't really thought about it", when that was actually all I had been thinking.

I feel guilty for saying this, but I'm glad Jules is gone.

I finish getting ready and drive to school. I could take the car this morning because Cassie was riding with Maddy and I know my mom will just stay at the house today. I try not to think about my fucked up family.

In theater, which is first hour, I saw Rue. She was wearing her dad's hoodie and was looking especially rough today. Was something wrong?

I smiled at her as she walked in, but she just looked at me and sat on the other side of the group.

Okay, something is definitely wrong.

After the bell rang, I followed Rue to the bathroom.

I walk in a few seconds after her and see her leaning over a sink, splashing water on her face.

"Are you okay?" I ask walking toward her.

She just stares at the sink.

"I'm fine," was all she mumbled.

"Are you sure because-"

"Lexi! I said I'm fucking fine! Go bother someone else!" Rue yelled, finally looking at me.

My eyes start to water. I stand there for a second, looking at her. I didn't want her to see me cry, so I walked out and to my next class. I wiped away my tears as I sobbed down the hallway.

What happened? Everything was fine last night.

I sat down at my desk in English. I try to look as though I haven't been crying, but Kat apparently could tell.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Kat from the desk beside mine.

"Rue is just acting mental," I said.

"You know that Jules is back in town, right?" Kat asked, as if she knew that was the answer to why she was acting like this.

"Wait what?!"

"Yeah, apparently the police hunted her down and brought her back a few days ago and she's in therapy."

Is this why Rue was acting so strange? Did she know about Jules?

Even if she knew, she can't treat me like this!

I'm going to have to talk to Rue and Jules.

Euphoria: Rue and LexiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin