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Lexi's POV

This past week I had been thinking about Rue nonstop. She completely disappeared, hadn't come to school, and didn't answer any of my calls. I noticed that Jules hadn't been at school either. I wonder what happened.

But I've learned not to pry Rue. It only ends up in her shutting me out again. She's only ever open to me when she's talking about her suspicions of other people, never about herself. I wish she would talk about herself, not everyone else.

I'm sitting at the desk in my room that Cassie and I share. Cassie is at Maddy's right now so I have the room to myself.

I'm looking through my photos on my phone when I come across a picture of Rue and I in elementary. We looked about ten. Even then, she looked tired and sad.

I feel pain and sympathy travel through my body. I wish that I could take Rue's pain and experience it for myself instead of her.

I go to my messages app and tap on Rue's contact. I ask her if she's okay. She says that she has the flu, but I know that's a lie. Then she asks to come over to spend the night. My heart warms when I read this, but goes cold again, because I know that Rue comes to me when Jules isn't there. I'm always the second choice.

I tell her that she can come over, and pick up in my room a little. I brush my hair and put on my PJ's.

I lay on my bed and flip through Instagram. I forgot Rue was coming until I heard a knock on the window.

I walk to the window and move the curtains to reveal Rue's face.

Her beautiful face.

I slide the window up and grab her hands to help her through. Once she's in, we both stand there awkwardly.

"Thanks for letting me spend the night," Rue said tiredly, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, no problem," I reply.

She finally looks up to meet my eyes; my heart skips a beat. She clears her throat.

"Listen, I know I just kinda disappeared without a warning..." she scratches the back of her neck.

"We don't have to talk about it, if you want," I said coldly, crossing my arms, knowing that all she does is keep secrets from me.

"Lexi... I just want to apologize. I know I haven't been a good friend, and I know I've already tried apologizing before. But I just don't want to lose you like I've lost everything else," she said, looking at the floor again.

I cannot believe those words just came out of her mouth. I don't know whether to feel forgiving or cold.

I take a few steps toward her. As I do, Rue's gaze shifts from the floor to me and I see that she's crying. I love it when she's sensitive like this, it's adorable.

I take another couple steps and bring her in a hug. I wrap my arms around her, as hers stay by her side in shock. She brings her arms around my waist and leans her entire weight on me. I feel her breathing get heavy and shaky.

I squeeze her even tighter, never wanting to let go.

Euphoria: Rue and LexiWhere stories live. Discover now