Chapter 1

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School was the same as usual. It was before 5th period and I stopped in the restroom to fix my hair and makeup. I pulled out my wand of mascara and started applying it, after brushing my short blonde hair out of the way. As i was finishing brushing me hair, i felt someone behind me. "Umm, excuse me, are you Cierra Jagger?" A deep gruff voice said. "Whose asking? And by the way, this is the womens bathroom" i said in a know it all voice. The man kind of smirked and stepped into the hall way. I stepped after him. "Who are you anyway?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "My names Dean Winchester. As much as i would like to sugercoat this for you, we don't have time. You are in huge danger. And i know i sound like another whack job, but, all the supernatural paranormal stuff you think is fake? Its all real, and every single demon and angel is trying to kill you right now. If you come with me i will tell you everything. Me and my brother can protect you." I raised both my eyebrows. He was so handsome and seemed like a sweet person, i felt bad for him. I knew he needed help, it was obvious he was suffering from severe mental issues. "Look, im sorry i have to go" i dashed off to my class and he ran after me, but didnt follow me into the the classroom luckily. Chorus seemed normal and we did our routine as usual. Then all of a sudden the lights started flickering. I couldnt stop thinking of what Dean said. A loud alarm started going off, we were going into lock down. This time, i knew it was real. I panicked. What if Dean wasnt lying? Than all of a sudden there was someone banging at the door. I squeezed my books to my chest and crossed my fingers it was Dean. Then the door was kicked down. The thing was though, this was a thick heavy metal door. Nothing human could kick that down. A dude with black eyes walked in. I slid further behind the piano. Than all of a sudden the room lit up with orange light and the thing with black eyes fell to the floor. Dean pulled a sharp blade out of its back. I ran over to him. "Dean im sorry i didnt believe you, what do we do now??" Dean had a beyond serious look. "Now we get the hell out of this place." Dean grabbed my arm and we ran down the hall and out the door, into the parking lot.

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