Chapter 17

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Bradie P.O.V

I opened the door and kissed my girlfriend goodbye as she had to go to work. I'm getting so bored of being alone during the day. Her dark chocolate eyes met mine, her dark brown hair put back into a ponytail.

"I'll miss you" I smiled at Britta, her hand in mine.

"I'll miss you too. I'll call you on the way home to see what you want for dinner. So make up your mind" she smiled and poked my nose, giggling. She was always so happy. She is literally my perfect match.

"Alright, I love you" I kissed her lips softly, she smiled and pulled away.

"I love you too" she smiled, we both looked toward the front of our house were Shaun's black Audi parked perfectly on the curb. I think Andy was in the car too. I couldn't tell because of Shaun's stupid tinted windows, Andy got out the car swiftly, along with Shaun a moment later. What are they doing here?

"looks like you won't be alone today. I'll see you later" Britta said, kissing my cheek as she walked down the driveway to her car, I waved.

"see you!" I said, Britta said hi to them, she then got in her car and waved at me, I smiled then turned to my best friend and brother. They looked different, their eyes were bright and their skin was so perfectly ivory. Almost like Vanessa, who I never liked, she was very dangerous. Just the way her eyes looked was a warning to back off. Andy smiled and bumped Shaun as he whispered something in my step brothers' ear. They haven't acted this close in a while.

"Hey bro" Andy smiled, his white (fake from a car crash when he was young) teeth shined brighter than ever.

"hey" I smiled "hey Shaun" I looked at Shaun who looked at me, his sapphire eyes shocked me, he sup nodded me.

"hey..." he joined by Andy's side now.

"relax..." I heard him whisper in Andy's ear. I was suddenly confused.

"so, what are you guys doing here today?" I asked, still confused by what Shaun had said, relax? Why does Andy have to relax?

"we have to speak to you, fill you in on some details" Andy spoke calmly, but he looked distraught by the way he stood.

"You didn't get Vanessa pregnant did you?" I asked Andy, he shook his head in disgust.

"no, never" he said, I looked at Shaun. He was looking at the floor now. Alright then.

"come in then...would you like a drink?" I asked as I walked in, they followed and closed my front door.

"water please" Shaun said. His voice was much more perkier, not so mopey. Good to see he's finally over Brooke.


"water, too please" Andy smiled, sitting on the crème couch, it almost blended with their skin tone...But they were whiter.

"no beer for Andy? That's a surprise" I raised my eyebrow as I went into my kitchen, grabbing two water bottles. Water in this area is actually the worst.

"yeah...I'm on a low carb, no beer diet" Andy said almost insecure. I worry about him, doing diets and shit when he's so skinny and then he has his drinking problem which worries me more but now he's stopping to lose weight? That's not good. I placed the bottles of water in front of them. Andy looked at it almost disgusted then looked at Shaun who grabbed his bottle, taking a sip. Andy then grabbed his bottle, slowly taking a sip.

"you're not pregnant with Shaun's baby are you?" I asked jokingly, they both laughed, Andy doing his high pitched giggle.

"No!" he kept laughing.

"well, you're close" Shaun smirked, Andy slapped Shaun's knee.

"you can stop now." Andy said

"uh, can I please know what's going on?" I was getting more confused by the minute, the stone like people on my couch were not being their normal selves. Andy exhaled and looked at Shaun with a puppy dog look, before turning to me.

"Bradie...I just want to tell you that you won't be seeing Vanessa anymore" he said very seriously and he never used her full name. Uh oh.

"what did she do?" I spoke concerned now, Shaun stiffened up and looked at Andy.

"Stay calm" he whispered in his ear again, I felt uncomfortable.

"Nothing...I told her to leave...she was unhealthy for me, too naturally beautiful" his eyes fluttered to the floor.

"are you okay?" I asked. I don't know If I'm believing this story.

"never better" Andy smiled at me, it met his eyes. That made me believe him. "Anyway, we came here to tell you that...that me and Shaun are in love and are together" Andy said so carefully, making me freeze. I didn't care that it was 'gay' or anything, I had known for a while that Andy was in love with Shaun...but the fact that they're actually together made me a bit happy for them and also very cautious. The patronising brother coming out of me again.

"Congratulations! I'm so glad you finally did it Andy, I'm proud of you" I smiled

"thank you for not cracking it Bradie-"

"but, Shaun. Now that you are also my brothers boyfriend, just remember that he's been in love with you for so long and if you hurt him, I will hunt you down and say mean things to you, understood?" I said more serious than I should have, it kind of threw him off guard, he awkwardly laughed then grabbed Andy's hand, their fingers linked. Seeing them this close was weird.

"I would never hurt him Bradie. I promise you. I'm in love with him" Shaun smiled at me, sincere. If anything were to happen to Andy, I swear to god...

"Bradie, stop acting so worried...we've been together for a month and we've made it official. You know how much I love him, I've told you this since part one." Andy said, now probably concerned by my attitude.

"okay" was all I was able to say. So many bad scenarios played through my head. It was still weird how much they basically glowed. Maybe it was happiness? Do I glow too? I'm happy.

"oh, and we start recording next week, please do not forget your drum kit again" Shaun said annoyed, standing up, Andy stood next to him, that's when I realized they were pretty much wearing the same clothes, blue jeans and a black t-shirt. They could pass for twin brothers right now if it wasn't for their hair and facial features. Andy's eyes were a bit darker from when he got here too. I hope he's okay.

"yep, will do. Where you guys going?" I asked, standing up.

"Andy needs to get home and grab a few things. We just wanted to come by and tell you the details" Shaun said, wrapping his arm around Andy's waist. Andy rested his head against Shaun's. This was definitely something you don't see every day.

"oh and Bradie, could you please tell mum and my sisters, brothers, Gerald and the others? I can't handle being around so many people right now..." Andy said insecure again.

"Yeah okay, but are you sure you're okay?" I spoke more concerned now.

"Bradie-" Shaun said stern, as if he was about to snap.

"Bradie stop, I'm fine. I swear, I haven't felt this happy in a very long time...I just don't think I'm capable of telling mum, her knowing that I'll never have children, give her a grandkid and stuff. She's lucky to have my brothers and sisters. She won't need me anymore." Andy spoke sadder, pulling out of Shaun's grip, going to the door and opening it.

"Andy wait-" I began, Andy snapped to me, his eyes dark, deadly almost.

"Tell her I'm sorry" Andy said, walking out and slamming the door. I stood there shocked, Shaun opened the door and looked at me.

"Sorry it had to end that way...Andy isn't coping well with the whole 'no family' thing. We've both made that decision" Shaun informed me, I frowned in confusion.

"Bye Bradie" Shaun walked out, jogging to Andy's side, I watched them go to their car. Shaun kissed my brother, Andy then embraced him with the biggest hug. They were cute together, I could never deny that. But there was definitely something different, something people should be afraid about.

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