Chapter 6

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Vanessa P.O.V

I slid my shirt back on and settled next to Andy, he was sound asleep...

oh how I wish I could sleep...

have a heart beat...

not feel the need to kill his stupid friend that sleeping on the couch, but I hope I gave him a show.

I mean, it wasn’t that great...

I’ve had better...

But for human strength, that was good, if only he was like me, it’s so tempting, you know? It wouldn’t be too hard, but if I start, I don’t know if I’d be able to stop.

And I can’t risk that...

Not with a guy like Shaun walking around, stalking Andy in his head like he’s a fucking puppy.

He smells really good though...

that’s besides the point!

When I met Andy, he was half drunk, but he smelt great, even through the liquor stench that burned my nose.

He was lovely, interesting. I only went to the club for a meal...not a hot date...

I hate hearing his thoughts, it’s depressing, but for some reason, a monster like me at sweet 21, never aging, made him happy, I don’t know how this is possible. I’m usually immune to males.

Not this male.

Shaun, on the other hand...

I needed him out of the way, his thoughts disgust me, he’s so greedy, he might not see it, but I do.

A bit too well.

Me, having a sixth sense, makes it easier for me to read someone’s whole life. I can dig it out of anyone. Andy, for example. All he had to tell me was that he had a step dad for me to read that he lost his dad young, his mum remarried and they have a large family. It’s honestly that simple, for me at least, don’t try it at home, kids and never, ever tell someone.

Anyway, Shaun, his thoughts were full of jealousy, disgust, he may not see it but I know he wants something from me, something that has finally made me happy, in all of my existence.


Now, I wasn’t going to let this happen, I forbid it, I’ll need to kill him, his snobby girlfriend too, hearing the complaints both Shaun and Andy have of her in their minds.

Maybe I’ll kill that stupid dog too.

no, that’s way too far, they’ll be suspicious.

Shaun will be first. Top of my bucket list...he’s just, mouth watering, but so fucking annoying.

I looked at Andy again, there was a bruise on the top of his arm, near his shoulder, shaped as my fingers. I’m stronger than I thought or he’s just weak. Andy is weak, inside and out, I can see that. But he’s cute and the type of guy you’d love to spend eternity with.

Eternity sounded good to me. As long as Shaun isn’t in the picture.

Shaun P.O.V

I woke up traumatized, not only did I have a nightmare. But she was in it, of all people, her. Her eyes glowed more evil in my dream, all I was doing was running through a forest. Running away from those bright, hazel eyes. I got up off the couch and stretched, my back cracked. I didn’t have a good sleep at all. I heard Andy’s door open, prepared for him to walk out with that, thing...I don’t think she’s even a she, because then she’d look like a woman, she doesn’t. She looks like something carved in stone. I turned around toward them, thank god they were wearing clothes, I scowled at her again in my mind, she snapped her head to me, I backed off immediately. I didn’t do anything out loud, did I?

Vanessa cooked up eggs on toast for breakfast, just for me and Andy though, not her, she said she wasn’t hungry. Well she sounded pretty darn hungry last night. She probably wants me dead, wants to poison my eggs, but as enticing as that it, she wouldn’t because I’m Andy’s best friend and I’ve known him a LONG time before she came into the picture. I noticed a bruise on Andy’s shoulder, it wasn’t a hickey or your typical bruise, it was almost as if they were fingers. How weak was Andy? Couldn’t he take on a woman? Then again, I’m not sure if she is a woman. I put some of the egg and toast in my mouth, looking at her, just sitting on the couch, she looked like stone, like Andy bought a to hit me over the head with. I saw a smirk appear on her face, I looked at the good quality TV, the only good quality thing in this house. It was the news, what was so interesting about news to make her smirk that sly, evil smirk? I’ll never know.

Vanessa  got up suddenly, she walked over to Andy, I looked down at my food. I suddenly wasn’t hungry, I looked up and watched her slim, slender body walk back to the room.

“Hey, what happened to your arm?” I asked Andy curiously, pointing to the light purple mark on his shoulder. He went crimson in the cheeks as he looked at the spot, I never should have asked.

“let’s just say, last night was pretty great” Andy smiled. I was getting sick of this type of happiness he held. Puppy love happiness.

“I know, I could hear it” I mumbled as I looked at my food, picking at it. She cooked eggs perfectly, what isn’t she perfect at?

Andy choked slightly, I looked up to see him covering his face. I think he heard me. He looked embarrassed. Vanessa ran out a few seconds later, dressed up and ready to go somewhere, something like that would take Brooke 40 minutes.

“babe, I’m going down to the city for some work stuff okay, I’ll see you then” She spoke so nicely to him, no wonder Andy was so god damn blind, they kissed cheeks, Andy waved goodbye as his mouth was full of food. She walked right past me and left, without even a goodbye. Andy got up and grabbed his plate.

“you done?” he asked, I nodded as he picked up my plate, walking to the sink that was now clean, compared to a week and a bit ago.

“So, why her?” I asked, I may sound like an ignorant asshole, so be it, I wanted answers.

“Because she’s beautiful...something from a dream” he seemed dazed. I hated this.

“a nightmare, more like it”

“Look, Shaun, I don’t know why you hate her but just stop. Stop holding onto a grudge, she didn’t shake your hand? So what, she didn’t shake mine either.” He was suddenly defensive over this monster.

“Have you not noticed the way she looks at me? Seriously, If looks could kill, she’d be the death of me...Andy, I’m warning you, please don’t fall too hard, she’ll hurt you” I spoke more sincere now, Andy shook his head and leaned down on the table, his face in front of mine.

“you know nothing Shaun, she’s perfect. She makes me happy”

“and I never made you happy?”

“you never tried” Andy said darker, he got up and stormed to his bedroom, I just stared ahead, into space, relaxing in the chair. Was I seriously that bad of a friend? Maybe I was, if I could never make him happy. If anything, it’s Brooke’s fault. Fuck, Brooke, I had to go back home to see her, I didn’t want that to happen because she would skitz it, not only for me being here, but for being jealous. I can’t help human instincts. I knew this could end badly if she ever found out.

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