Chapter 13

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Vanessa P.O.V

I got back from my weekend hunting, I had to stop hunting around here.

People don’t repopulate quick enough.

So Egypt it was.

Eh, they seemed pretty chill about it.


I just wonder how he is and I hope to god Shaun hasn’t done anything. It was one weekend, I should trust him with that.

Obviously not.

I walked into Andy’s house and he was sitting there on the couch, eager to see me, but he lingered of a different smell now. Shaun. His not so strong honey-like breath lingered Andy’s almost chocolate scent. I tried to process his thoughts.

How come I can’t get them?

Did Shaun set a force field? Stupid fucking strong vampire.

“Vanessa...” Andy said almost apologetic, standing up. He never used my full name, ever. 

“what did you do?” was the only thing I said, I tried not to show the anger that began climbing up my throat.

“I-...” he stopped talking as I clenched my hands, shaking to forbid myself from hurting something.

“what did you do?” I said again, through my teeth.

“I-...” he swallowed hard, I could hear his tremble of fear in his voice “I-I’m in love with Shaun”

“and?” I gritted through my teeth, raising my eyebrow, I already knew this information.

“h-he loves me” I knew that too.

“so?!” some anger showed now.

“I-I’m leaving you, to be with him” he spoke, choking on his own voice, my anger soon settled down for later, I smiled. Obviously very darkly from the way Andy’s eyes looked. I was going to kill him, not Shaun of course, but Andy; so Shaun will live forever in pain. That’s all I want now.  I ran to Andy at vampire speed, his face went into shock, I glanced my teeth to him. His eyes widened, this was going to be fun.

Shaun P.O.V

I was starting to worry about Andy, it had been at least an hour or so now, it doesn’t take that long to break up with someone and when it’s Vanessa, you’d expect her to be out and start killing something, or coming for me. I ran to Andy’s, busting the door open.

“ANDY!?” I yelled, no answer came throughout the whole house, silent with only one light on. I felt panic take me over.

“fuck, fuck, fuck” I murmured, walking out onto the sidewalk, I listened carefully to the sound of the dark night. I soon heard a husky voice scream. No, not Andy. I bolted, everything rushing past me, I was probably impossible to see, I followed the screams into the woods where I was tortured. I was 90% sure it was Andy’s screams now. I jumped over the river and continued running till I came into another open area, almost alike to the place I was changed at. I hissed under my breath as Vanessa who was about to rip my boyfriends arm out of his socket. She let him go, kicking him into a tree, I took a deep breath, Andy was bleeding. It was a stronger scent than when I’m around him. I darted my eyes to Vanessa, we both gave each other the same dark, dangerous look. I watched her run to Andy, clenching him by his neck against the tree. I scowled and jumped onto her back, clinging onto her and tried to snap her head off, Andy just seemed to be losing more breath. I looked into his eyes, he was dying, I could see it in his eyes, his tears cascaded as he looked at me, Vanessa elbowed me, flinging me across the small field, I landed on my feet and stood up as she let Andy go, approaching me.

“I warned you to stay away” she spoke darkly, the same voice she used against me when killing me, I shook my head.

“you know that I can’t do that” I had growl come from my throat and I couldn’t stop it, she was by Andy again, his eyes fixed on me dazed. I should have been with him when they broke up.

“well you’re too late now” She smirked, picking Andy up by the shirt.

“I thought you loved him” I scowled.

“I could do better” She said, smashing him against the tree, Andy screamed in pain. “And so could you” she smirked and threw Andy on the floor like he was nothing. He passed out straight away, I snarled, my anger showing. I could hear her thoughts, she just wanted to hurt me. I wanted her dead. She got on top of Andy, grabbing his head, I pounced on her immediately and pulled her arms away from him, she back flipped out of my grip and stared at me evilly, I didn’t even hesitate as I ran toward her, she jumped over me, I crawled up the tree quickly and back flipped, landing on her back, I quickly grabbed her head as she grabbed my legs, she pulled my legs which just made her fall to the ground, I wrapped my legs around her, pinning her down, she was struggling to move.

‘let me go’ her thoughts pleaded.

 I closed my eyes, I heard the cracking of her head as I twisted it off.


I opened my eyes and threw her head on the ground, nothing but venom oozed out of her, thank god that’s over. I got up and kicked her body, pulling out the lighter from my pocket, throwing it at the body; she lit up the woodland immediately revealing Andy’s crippled body, I ran to his side, placing my hand on his cheek, he was dying. Venom stung my eyes. If I could cry, I would be. He looked at me, closing his eyes and then opening them to look at me, each time he closed them, it went longer. I had to bite him, I wasn’t going to lose him.

“’s okay, I’ll make the pain go away. I love you” I said, my voice was worn out, it had the sound as if I was crying, although no tears came out, it was like dry sobs. He looked in my eyes.

‘I love you too’ he thought, one tear trickled down his face before he closed his eyes. He was relaxed now. I listened, there was no heart beat to be heard.

“No!”I hesitated and rested my head to Andy’s, my voice shaky.

“You’re not dead baby, y-you’re not dead.” I whispered with panic. But he laid there, unmovable, I clenched my eyes shut and clenched my fist. I was angry at myself now, I had to bite him, but I also had to stop and that’s what worries me most. I looked at my boyfriend’s corpse; she had broken many bones, cut him open almost. My throat burned, but it wasn’t with thirst, it was the ache to sob. I turned his head to the side and took a leap of faith, biting into his neck, his blood swelled into my mouth, the venom penetrated it and got into his skin, the chocolaty taste made me yearn for more, I sucked some of the precious blood, and it went down my throat with the refreshing, warm sensation. I soon realized that this was no ordinary human, this was my boyfriend, more venom swelled, I kicked myself away, breathing deeply as I huddled my knees to my chest. I felt my eyes glaze with more venom, it stung like fuck, the taste of him lingered my mouth, it was so beautiful, something I may never experience again, but I didn’t care. I just pleaded to myself, hoping the venom worked, I covered my mouth and swallowed every bit of blood in my mouth, I was shaking in fear, I looked toward the fire which slowly burned out. Vanessa turned into ash. But I didn’t know if Andy was alive. He wasn’t screaming in pain, he wasn’t shaking, he just laid there. I could hear not one thought, just my own. Is he okay. I pulled his sleeve up, biting into him at rapid speed now, I just wanted him to wake up, I ignored the blood as I pulled up the sleeve on the other side, biting all over him. I pulled away and took a deep breath. He hasn’t moved an inch. I felt myself break down.

I guess a heart really does break even once its stopped beating.

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