Chapter 1

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Shaun P.O.V

I relaxed on the porch of Andy’s house with my guitar, the cold wind blew through my short dark chocolate hair that swooped across my forehead as I played a few chords softly, I shivered slightly as the sun disappeared behind the clouds, the wind blowing through me. Andy walked out with his guitar and two beers, his sandy blonde hair blew out of his face, showing his light blue and green eyes, he looked up suddenly surprised.

“Holy fuck it got cold” he said, laughing as he sat down on the porch seat on the other side of the table which separated us, he placed the two beers on the table as his guitar sat on his lap.

“I know right, the sun decided to fuck off” I said, opening my beer, taking a gulp.

“Fuck you sun!” Andy flipped off the sky, we both laughed. It started to rain suddenly.

“Look what you did Andy! You made the sky cry, you’re so rude” I joked. He got up and frowned.

“God dammit, I can’t do anything right” He said in disappointment. I bit my lip and got up, grabbing my drink and taking another sip.

“It’s alright man, no need to cry over raindrops” I smiled at him and followed him back inside after our ‘outdoor day’ failed.

“Eh, it’s kind of funny since this is the first time we’re spending time together in a while and we planned it to be an outdoor day” he chuckled and crashed on his couch after placing his beer down with his soft maple guitar that played beautifully as he strummed the chords so precisely. I placed my beer down next to his and sat next to him,  I listened to him play those chords over and over in a beautiful pattern, I glanced at him as he stared at me.

“Don’t stop, okay?” I said and looked at the wall concentrating, the plain cream coloured wall that had a few pictures on the wall. We smiled at each other, it wasn’t long before words filled my head. I started to sing softly.

“I can’t do anything right,

So I’ll sell my soul to the night,

just to be setting fire with you,

I can’t take this anymore,

with you I fall through the floor,

without you I’m nothing at all,

nothing at all,

nothing at all-“ I stopped and quickly memorized what I said, Andy had a proud smile on his face and I couldn’t help but smile along. I loved it when he and Bradie loved what I write.

“Hurry Andy, grab a notepad before I forget” I said, repeating those words over and over in my head, Andy quickly passed me a notebook and pen, I quickly scrawled it out along the paper, it was messy,  but as long as I could read it, it was okay.

“How do you do it Shaun?” Andy asked, I stared at him for a moment, how do I do it?

“I have no idea, I guess it’s just things that’s on my mind.”

“It’s about Brooke, right?” he asked, fiddling with the pick in his hand.

“I guess so” I laughed awkwardly, remembering my beautiful blonde girlfriend, and then mentally sighing at the fact we’ve been having fights lately. Maybe without her, I am nothing at all. Andy smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“That’s so cute” he said as he relaxed onto the couch again, I felt awkward suddenly.

“Well hey, there’s a new song for me to work on, thank you” I said, trying to lighten the mood. Andy was a bit dull; it kind of pissed me off. He always thinks everything is about Brooke when it comes to me, it’s not. I do love her, but she’s not on my mind all day like she used to be, but I still look forward to seeing her. I know Andy’s lonely, he hasn’t had a proper relationship in a while, they all are like on, off, on, off and he drinks and sleeps around. I feel sorry for Andy, he’s almost in his mid twenties, and he’ll eventually want to settle down. Andy got up and walked out, I cocked my eyebrow.

“Andy? What are you doing?” I called out, I listened to the silence that went throughout the house, the small buzzing noise ringing in my ear.

“Andy?!” I called out again, worried.

“What?!” he yelled back annoyed, I breathed deeply in relief and stood up, going down to where I heard his voice.

“what are you doing, dickhead?” I said as I opened his door, he looked at me then folded up a piece of paper.

“nothing, I came in here to grab my phone and then I got a verse for that song.” Andy smiled, this smile met his eyes, finally.

“that’s great!” I smiled and went to grab it as my phone vibrated, I pulled it out, and it was from Brooke. ‘Hey baby, im out the front xx’. I bit my lip and looked at Andy’s who’s facial expression was confused.

“Brooke...She’s out the front waiting for me” I said awkwardly, me and Andy have had a fight about Brooke before, the more I spoke about her, the more guilt I felt.

“Oh...well just take this and thanks for coming all this way” he seemed slightly disappointed.

“Don’t mention it man” I grabbed the paper and hugged him quickly. “I’ll see you around” I smiled assuring him, I ran out, grabbing my guitar on the way.

I jumped in the car and greeted my blonde girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek, she smelled like hair dye.

“Dye hair today?” I asked, she worked at the local hairdressers full time, I felt sorry for her.

“Yeah, I had to turn a dark brunette to blonde, hardest thing to do” She said grumpily, someone had a bad day at work. I did my belt up and sighed, turning the radio on.

“oh well, there’ll be better days” I smiled at her, promising her in my mind that I’ll keep her happy, safe and make the bad things go away.

“I know” she smiled back at me then focussed on the road as she drove, I opened up the piece of paper Andy handed me for the song, the delicate yet rough hand writing scribbled on the paper read.

‘I don't know why you're so perfect, 

But sometimes it's not enough, 

And I promise you softly, 

Oh madly, 


You'll love me when we touch

And all my prayers fell on broken wings, 

And all my friends say I'm gonna sink, 

And all my brains went to my head, 

You left me dead upon the kitchen floor, 

But still I begged for more’

It was perfect, but I don’t understand his thoughts, how he processed this, he always seemed so happy, but it seems as though something’s bothering him, and I hate it. I’m always concerned.

“What’s that honey?” Brooke asked, I folded it back up and casually put it back in my pocket.

“Just something Andy wrote for a song we’re doing together” I smiled.

“Oh that’s great babe!” she said very enthusiastically, a bit too much enthusiasm in her voice. She turned right onto our road; I looked out my window at the dull day that coated the area in clouds and rain. I knew Brooke didn’t like Andy, I’ve had fights with Andy about Brooke and fights with Brooke about Andy, but even though I try to keep my friendship up with Andy, Brooke keeps pulling me away and I hate that. I hate that I have to risk my friendship with someone I’ve known since high school for the girl I’m in love with, it kind of tears you apart.  

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