Chapter 22

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~Not Edited~

Liam had gotten up happily for the next week, just waking up with his arms wrapped around Niall. Sometimes with Cyson or Cyris wedged between them. As Cyson now has his little big boy bed, as he's almost two and he sleeps in Cyris' bed most of the time anyway. Cyson was attached to Liam's hip. "Papa!" he squealed, his dummy between his lips as he patted Liam's chest. Trying not to wake up daddy.

"hmm?" Liam mumbled softly, rolling onto his back. Cyson's nappy clad bum sitting on his tummy. He just giggled and patted papa's chest again.

"Up!" he giggled and pulled his dummy away from his face. Liam opened his eyes slightly to look at Cyson and smiled a bit when he saw those eyes.

"Morning love." Liam chuckled and tickled his little tummy. "Where are your clothes?" he asked just smiling. Cyson giggled and squealed as he squirmed around.

"taked off." Cyson giggled and just grinned at his father.

"well why don't you go put them back on? whilst papa gets dressed." Liam smiled, leaning up to set Cyson on the floor. He didn't really want his son seeing his boy bits, so he needed to get him out of the room as quick as he could. "Can you do that for papa? and then we'll go make breakfast."

"Kay." he giggled and toddled out of the room, maybe tripping himself up a bit on the door jam. Liam got up, pulled on his boxers and a pair of sweats. He tucked the blanket up under Niall quietly so he wouldn't wake up. They'd had an amazing night together. Niall fvcking got what he wanted, and did what he wanted. He didn't give if Liam was tired after the first two rounds. He just went again, and again, and again until he couldn't feel his toes.

It was extraordinary, but Liam knew he'd be sore and he'd be tired so he kissed his forehead and closed the bedroom door behind him. The only thing that had changed was the fact Cyson had grabbed his baby blanket. He carries it around with him all the time, and Niall thought it was so cute. "Where are all of your clothes and why don't you ever wear them?" Liam laughed picking Cyson up.

"taked off, told you!" Cyson giggled and snuggled into papa. Niall said he absolutely hated clothes and when they were home he just let him hang around in his nappy.

"You did tell me," Liam chuckled and kissed his head, making him a bottle quickly. "Papa has to leave soon," Liam whispered as he covered his baby up with the baby blanket as he held him. "I love you, and Ill call you and daddy and Cyris every night."

"Lub you." He giggled. "ring ring?" Cyson giggled pointing towards the wall phone,

"Yeah babe, ring ring." Liam chuckled softly and kissed Cyson's temple smiling.


Niall, Liam and the kids were all sitting at the dinner table. Along with Louis, Zayn, and their babies. Cyson just sitting on Liam's knee, giggling everytime he bounced him. Zayn and Liam never really got along, but they put up with each other for the sake of their lovers. Niall was Louis' best friend, and Louis was Niall's.

"So, how are the boys?" Niall smiled at Louis, wiping his face of spaghetti sauce.

"Oh they're great, They're all the time asking when they can see Cyris and Cyson." Louis chuckled and Zayn smiled a bit. Zayn was trying to spend some time with his family recently, as he's had time off and he wanted to be with them. He didn't even want to come to dinner today, as he doesn't get out much if he doesn't have to.

"Cyson missed Aslam a lot." Niall commented and Louis smiled.

"We missed you all missed you guys terribly. some more so than others." Louis chuckled and Niall smiled. Liam just bouncing Cyson on his lap. "He really doesn't like his clothes does he?" Louis laughed a little and Niall smiled.

"Nope. Sadly. I can't get him to keep them on half the time." Niall laughed and Cyson just grinned.

"taked off." he giggled and Liam kissed his head.

"Yeah you took them off." he chuckled softly and bounced him on his knee a bit longer. "nakey baby." Liam mumbled pressing little kisses along Cyson's cheek, and shoulder. Cyson laughed, giggled, and squealed.

"Daddy? I take Aarya and Aali to my room?" Cyris asked after a little while and Niall just nodded.

"Be good okay?"

"I take my braces off?" He asked cutely and Niall chuckled and nodded a bit.

"When your knees lock up you need to put them back on, okay?" Niall said as the three boys got down. He only nodded before he tugged his friends up to his room.

"How are things?" Louis asked quietly, so only Niall could hear. Niall caught him flicking his eyes at Liam and he only sighed.

"We have slip ups Lou. But who doesnt?" Niall said back and Liam glanced at him and then at Louis. Zayn just eyeing Liam from his chair.

"Okay." Louis shrugged and Niall smiled softly. "Okay."


Niall went out with Zayn and Louis, which left Liam to watch all five kids. Aali, Aarya, Cyris, Aslam, and Cyson. It was a mess. Cyson wasn't too bad. He listened to his papa. Aali and Aarya weren't bad either. They just kinda of sat and watched the telly. Cyris threw a fit, and so did Aslam. So by the time Niall got home. He'd put all the kids to bed.

"How was it?" Niall asked softly, kissing Liam's forehead, going to help Lou and Zee carry out their babies to the car.

"It could've been worse." Liam chuckled some and Niall nodded smiling.

"It can always get worse." Niall said softly and Liam nodded just a little.

"It always could."


A/N: [990 words]

hi, sorry i haven't updated in a bit.

im gunna do a whole re-read of Niall and I and then begin editing.

im the only kid in my house

happy valentines day everyone

my friend megan and i facetimed maddie for two hours last night


-Celly Azad

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