Chapter 21 - Remember Me

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Ally’s p.o.v

Spending the entire day with Lieey was amazing. I felt like we really talked a lot and about many funny things, she said she dreamt that we were in a weird land, with fairies and grumpy creatures; she spoke of a magical waterfall and about a boy with blue eyes. It seemed familiar like a I had dreamt it too but I couldn’t quite get it around my head in reality.

 I kissed her goodbye promising I would take a her home with me by the end of the week.

I went straight home after meeting her, preparing for the adoption papers to adopt Lieey as my sister. I swiftly looked at the time it was 1:30 am, I couldn’t believe it.

Yawning while working so late in the night I filed the papers neatly in a pink folder and decided to drop them off at the orphanage in the evening the following day.

Shutting the lights off in my hall, I walked lazily to my bedroom dragging my feet with every step, yawning once again and scrubbing my eyes.

I sat on my bed and laid down, shutting the lights on my bed side lamp and closing my eyes.

Minutes later I flickered them open staring at the ceiling in the dark, “Where was I a few days ago?” I asked myself feeling like I had completely forgotten about it, what was I doing? I just remembered waking up in my bed this morning and then whatever else I did the rest of the day, nothing else. It was weird. I had a good memory and always remembered things but this was the first in my life I had found myself questioning what the hell was I doing past few days?

Sighing I tried to pray for some sleep. I shut my eyes once again and took in the cold air swirling around me. My mind was blank but as soon as I was sinking into sleep I started to see the blue eyes , the one Lieey was talking about. He was so handsome; he smiled at me with his beautiful thick sexy lips, seeing right through me. His muscular body moved with such grace and he looked like an underwear model if I thought about it now.

“Hmm” I groaned in bed, remember I was just dreaming, I tried forcing the images out of head but it did the opposite, it sunk it and stayed for a longer time.




The annoying sound screeched from under my pillow. I forced my eyes open to see the sunlight pour in from the window into my room.

“I need to get curtains” My voice broke the silence in the room. I pushed my hand under my pillow to pull out my phone. It was still vibrating and ringing like a maniacal thing, so I flicked it open and answered.

“Hello” My voice crackled.

“Ms Fortman?” A manly voice called out.

“Yes?” I asked.

“This is Ray calling from Golden Constructions, we need the blue print by 12 today so we can start with the little bit of construction for your shop” he said.

“Yes yes I will be there” I replied, cutting the phone and propping myself up from my bed.

I looked at the time on my phone, it was a 11:30. SHIT. My blue prints were at the shop, locked inside.

I rushed to the bathroom, got dressed as quickly as I could, grabbed the keys off my table along with the adoption files and ran out of the house.

It was 15 minutes to 12 pm and I found myself running weirdly, half running and half walking, as I crossed the road and ran to the shop. I looked up into the sky, it seemed like it pretty clear but I got a feeling it might rain.

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