Chapter 16 - Mind Games

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here you go :D


Ally’s p.o.v

I didn’t realised what happened once we lifted off from the ground. For a minute there I think I lost hope but then at the same time giving up was not in my blood.

As soon as the ugly eagle landed and transformed back to his dirty black self he walked ahead of me.

I followed him like a lost rabbit or maybe more like a prey being warned that if she ran off she’d be dead so I kept to myself.

The Cregrum shifted a few leaves ahead of him and then revealed me something I really had not expected.

Instead of a world filled with these ugly creatures I saw… errm.. butterflies around me.

The black cregrum walked into the area that looked like a beautiful heaven for butterflies and  he himself turned into a black and white insect flying quietly with the others.

The place looked like a joke to me, it didn’t look real, it was beautiful and artificial at the same time. Perfectly green leaves hung messily on the huge branches of the trees that towered higher than any other plant life on this island. Beautiful flowers, of all sorts of colours hung like branches of a swamp tree. It was all amazing to look at, not a single minute did I feel threatened, maybe I was enchanted.

“Hello queen” A lady like voice appeared from ahead of me.

I quickly looked ahead to see a beautiful blonde hair girl approaching me. She had beautiful thick black lashes , pure white skin and rosy  lips that anyone would want to kiss. Her eyes surprisingly were a colour I had not seen often in people, a beautiful green and grey mixed with one another.

“Hello” I spoke back.

“This is butorea, the land of butterflies and you are their queen, I hope you are going to enjoy your stay here and don’t worry, everything you desire will be provided to you” she said.

Wow, I really began to feel a pull into this place, like I was never meant to leave, like this was the last stop for me. I walked deeper into their land and felt blinded of something, I couldn’t figure out what.

As we got inside I saw a beautiful throne made for me, entirely of gold, with fruits surrounding it, like the one we see in movies.

“What do I do here?” I asked her dropping my guard and sitting down on the chair.

“This is your land, you can do whatever you want!”  she smiled and I easily believed her words.

I felt a strong pull of consciousness in my heart telling me to snap out and run but I choose to ignore it. This was real, this was beautiful.

I heard a rustle in the trees next to me and I quickly defensively turned towards it.

“Don’t worry dear, those are your servants coming” she said smiling at me and patting my hand.

“I am hungry”  I looked up at her in a surprisingly demanding voice, “Get me some food, please” I smiled.

“Sure” She said and then disappeared.

Behind from the trees appeared a man of my dreams. He had beautiful brown and golden hair, with a straight nose, chiselled jaw line and blue eyes, the same as… Jasons.

He was naked except his crotch was covered by a cloth. He was heaven. He looked so beautiful.

Seductively he walked towards my throne and approached me.

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