Chapter 3 - The Drive

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 Its a bit short but i thought i should upload a chapter :)



fan :D


Jasons P.o.v

Shoving my hands into my pockets, I walked up the stairs, to my apartment which wasn’t very far away from Ally’s and settled myself on the kitchen table. I got up to grab a beer and went into my room and lied down on my bed, shoving my shoes to the sides of the floor and started to sip my beer slowly.

“Hey” A voice spoke in my head.

“Leave me alone Ava” I told her.

“Talk to me” She pushed my thought aside as I tried to get rid of her.

“I miss you” she whispered.

“I know. I miss you too but this what Zeus wanted” I told her strictly, once again touching the rim of my bottle to my red lips.

“Your parents miss you” she told me weakly.

“Ha I hardly think so” I snapped.

“Come back home” She wined.

“Ava I think you shouldn’t contact me until unless you’re planning to get into trouble.”

“I don’t care. I’m your best friend. What am I supposed to do? Just stop talking? No way, I’m sorry”

“I’m doing really well down here. I made a new friend. Her names Ally. She really a nice girl and I guess she needs some help with her life right now so I’m glad I’m sent to earth to help her out, even if I’m off duty”

“Oh, Ally, nice name, that’s a great job you’re doing but you can’t protect everyone..” she explained to me as if she understood what I felt.

“Change the topic” I coughed and took another sip.

 I heard Marvin visited you?” She asked surprising me.

“How you know that!!” I shouted worried.

“It’s echoing in your thoughts.” She grinned.

“Ava, just go away, I need to rest I got school tomorrow” I told her.

“Alright, sleep, take care. I’ll contact you sometime later” She spoke softly suddenly disappearing from my thoughts.

I hated the fact that angels could contact each other through thoughts. I liked it long ago when I had to immediately describe the situation to my parents but now it was purely invasion of privacy.

I was the angel of protection. I protected those who really deserved to be saved from tough situations but now I’m just a useless kid with school the next morning. I was starting to get annoyed with my attitude and really getting pissed at not having what I wanted. I wanted my job back and to live with my family and friends.

“I think this was meant to happen” A very drunk bee buzzed around me.

“Marvin, what are you doing here?” I rolled my eyes and turned my head to my sides.

“Helping… you” He snorted as he stopped flapping his tiny transparent wings and rolled over on the pillow next to my head.

“Are you drunk?” I asked him as Marvin as he began to shut his eyes.

“Oh… yea. I am.You see I was flying around like this happy little bee, when I sorta trashed into a beer can, accidentally drinking all the contents in it. Now I’m a drunken bee” He grinned hugely.

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