The Rainy Day

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hey so  yeah this is the new book, well its something very new for me to write and i hope you'll find it super fun and enjoy it all the while.... so umm here it is... :)



Fan :D



The Rainy Day

Jason’s P.o.v

It was hard being an immortal and loving the fact you could never really die. I had no meaning to my life, if I didn’t have anyone to share it with. They said angels could visit the human planet to look after those who really needed them and to protect the hidden worlds from them but I failed to do so.

I was different. I loved the hidden world so much that I didn’t want to keep it hidden. Rather I wanted to share it. Share it with the human race. I went against my loved ones. I went against Zeus. I went against all the gods. I revealed the hidden world to mortal beings. Showed them a whole new universe existing within their own world and what did they do? They ruined it. Made use of it and never replenished it. The gods were furious. They hid what they could that remained of the hidden land coinciding with earth and merely spoke that these were ‘rumours’ of a new planet existing with us. It was a myth, a fable that they told them which made the human believe so easily, helping us cover up for my mistake. . I thought I was doing some good by sharing the secrets of Mother Nature and in return I not only lost my only home and family but also faced a greater punishment of all kind.

I was sent down on earth after spending a thousand years of being the protector of it to a mere mortal. A human.

That was it. I didn’t know what to do. I was a human. A 19 year old human, left to age and die in the world that ruined another.  I had never aged a single day after I had turned 19 but from now on I would.

I couldn’t trust anyone or anything. Specially humans. I would watch, eat, sleep and die alone but never in my life trust another human again. 

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