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I heard Sydney shuffling next to me, like she had been all night, before she finally let out a disgruntled groan. I assumed she'd have a nasty headache from her drinking antics last night.

I had one for entirely different reasons. I had stayed up all night running through the possible suspects. Someone had trashed my room and invaded my privacy. I don't know why Dad thought I could sleep after he told me that.

"Where the hell am I?" Sydney groaned, slowly sitting up.

I didn't open my eyes but reached out to pat her shoulder in a comforting motion. Judging by the hiss and soft "ow" I heard I think I got her boob.

"You're in a hotel. My house was trashed last night." I stifled a yawn before I rolled onto my side.

"What?" Sydney yelled. "Ow, shit."

I looked over my shoulder and saw her clutching her head. I tried not to laugh at my best friends obvious pain and discomfort.

"Want some water?" I asked, crawling out of the double bed.

Dad and Mum were next door. I had opted for the two rooms rather than the big ole' family fun room. Besides, my Dad snored and I had sort of hoped for a chance to sleep last night.

"Okay, get me water because I'm in pain and I don't think I'll ever drink again." Sydney ranted before looking at me. "Now back to this house thing? Explain. Right. Now."

"That's all Dad told me." I shrugged, grabbing a mug and putting on the kettle before I filled a glass with water. I walked back over and handed it to her as she shuffled back into the bed.

"Apparently someone broke into the house and trashed my room." I got some coffee, trying to act as normal as possible. "They spray-painted killer on my wall." I snorted. "How original."

"Don't you dare sound so fucking nonchalant about this." Sydney snapped. "This is horrendous. Who the hell does this? You know what? I think it was Blake." She glared at nothing.

I think my best friend was beyond angry. Her hands were shaking in her lap and she couldn't even look at me. Ever since this "killer lips" thing had started Sydney's protectiveness of me had double.

"You really think Blake did this?" I scrunched up my nose as I sat on the chair the hotel provided. "He's cruel and rude but... I don't think he's into vandalism."

"Alright, so he might not have the best mind but let's be real... Blake is a jackass. He'd do anything Melanie told him to do." Sydney reasoned.

"So now you're saying Melanie is the master mind?" I asked, trying to keep up with her investigation.

"Well he has a small dick and we both know small dick equals small mind, so I don't think he would've been able to pull it off without someone's help." Sydney theorized.

"Makes sense." I hummed, running my fingers through my hair before my phone started buzzing on the bed side table.

"Oh, maybe it's your lover." Sydney winked in reference to Michael.

"Maybe it's yours." I shot back with a wicked smirk. "That's right. You get real lippy when you get drunk, Syd. We'll be discussing Luke after I take this call."

"Not if I jump off a cliff first." Sydney blushed with embarrassment before walking into the bathroom, probably to have a shower and give me some privacy.

I laughed quietly before turning back to my phone. Sydney was right about the caller—wrong about him being my lover though.

"Michael," I smiled, biting my lip softly. "What's up?"

killer, m.clifford/a,irwinWhere stories live. Discover now