42: Adopted

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"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
~Oscar Wilde


"Your mother was pregnant we went to the hospital for delivery but unlike the ultrasound predicted, we ended up with two babies. When the doctors came to me with the news I was happy and joyful we have been trying to have kids for years," he laces his finger in Maria's as he speaks. "Your mother went into coma after delivery and so we couldn't leave after the both of you were born, so you were kept on the hospital's new born baby's ward. I went to visit you guys everyday that your mother was in that coma and that was the most painful and joyous moment of my life. I was happy that you two were in our lives, but the doctor's couldn't ascertain that your mother was going to come out of the coma and I couldn't raise you two alone."

The fourth day of my visit, I saw a man in the baby's ward, holding onto your twin sister. I didn't know if he was permitted to be in the ward but he had no right to hold her and I was going to tell him that. I told him the baby was mine and he said it wasn't anymore and I tried to take her from him, but he pulled a gun on me and told me to step back. I did as I was told and I was terrified."

His eyes closes and I can see the pain and regret in his eyes. "He had replaced his dead baby girl in the cradle and picked mine. I told him he didn't have to take my baby but he didn't listen to me. He told me he was taking her because he could and if anyone came after him, he was going to kill her then return and kill you. I was a coward but I chose to save you and I gave up your sister. I didn't see the man again and I have lived with the guilt and shame ever since. I wanted to involve the police immediately, but I had already lost one of you, I didn't want to lose the other and when he pointed the gun at you, I realised a few seconds was all it would take you away from us. After your mother finally woke a week later, I told her everything and she said insisted we informed the authorities. Their search didn't yield any result and after five weeks of searching, the authorities gave up."

"Your twin sister might still be out there and everyday I prayed that God keep her safe. We wanted to tell you the truth we were scared of losing you, but in the end we still did." Maria says with equal amount of sorrow and pain.

"I am really sorry for not telling you the truth fast enough and for not fighting harder to save your sister."

My heart was hammering away like a drum at everything they just revealed to me. These people are my parents and I was taken away from them as a baby. Agada hands a small picture over to me and in it a baby is wrapped in white towel and sleeping peacefully in the bassinet. I stare even though I can't see anything on it because my vision has blurred up. I turn the picture around and I see "Cara" written on it."

"Cara." I called out, a tear finally dropping from my eyes.

"Cara was the name we gave your twin sister, Anna." Agada replies and he hands me a somewhat old paper with birth certificate written on it and I collect it.

Anna is my twin sister?

No, that can't be! She's nothing like me.

'Character wise you two are different, but it would explain why you two look significantly alike in so many ways and your voice, your looks, your expression. It is not just random coincidence' the voice in my head made me see reason.

The man I thought was your father stole me just like he did everything else in his life.

My breath hitched and it became almost impossible to breath while trapped in the room with these people.

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