12: I Usually Look Away

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"Love cures people—both the one's who give it and the ones who receive it."
~Karl Menninger

I don't know which is more shocking, that Eli is standing in my room, or that he heard me get frisky and moaning while in the bathroom early, or that I am currently standing naked before him.

I haven't seen him since the night and because the light wasn't the brightest in the room when he came, I was barely able to make out his face and now standing before me, the last thing I want to do now is to look away from him. Firstly because that would mean that I am conscious of being seen naked by him, (which happens to be true,) but Anna wouldn't be because he is her fiancé so no need to be ashamed. And secondly, because Anna was wrong, he isn't a bit different from the picture I have, he's very different from the nerdy-looking man, I've stared at during my week of training. This one happens to be gorgeous and that's is a bad thing.

Unlike the picture, Eli is in an extremely low cut which only indicates that he's gotten tired of his curly hair. His glasses are sitting on the bridge of his nose and Anna told me his glasses were specifically designed to be worn from 7 am to 9 pm to not wear out his eyes and cause further damage to his rod and cones.

The picture was at least right about his olive skin tone, but unlike in the picture, his oval-shaped face has a few stubbles on and he seems to be raring it rather than trying to get rid of it. His eyes are now a radiant but unique aluminium-grey colour that brings out his manly beauty and his almost perfect nose is still covered with freckles. His lips are still the same rosy pink, thin and pale at the top and flushed and naturally curved in the shape of cupid bow at the bottom.

His left brow still bears the scar that can't be ignored and it just like always makes his face look imperfectly perfect. He's in black jean trousers and white long sleeve and a black tie on his neck that is half loosed and his hands are tucked into his pocket.

He seems to be watching me too, probably studying me to take notice of the changes on me, there was a slight difference between our body types had some of those differences. Anna and I had slim figures, I happened to be curvier around my hips and my breasts are fuller. My stomach is also one of the differences we shared 'cause while Anna's stomach is flat, my lower stomach seems to protrude a little. Only someone who has seen Anna naked couple of time would spot this difference.

Eli probably has and the longer he stays silent, the longer I fear for the worse.

He strolls towards me, picks up the towel beside my feet before handing them to me, "I'm sorry, Anna, usually I look away," he apologises, indicating the presence of his self control even though his carnal desire seem obvious.

I clear my throat trying to regain my composure as I take the towel away from him and wrap myself up. A few nuts seem to have been set off in me at the sight of him and I need to get them back as soon as I can.

"Don't worry, it isn't something you haven't seen before," I state, trying to sound as casual as possible and brush off the nervous feeling of having him stare at me for so long. I turn to the wardrobe and begin to fish for the sundress I'm supposed to wear while trying to ignore Eli's hot gaze on every inch of my exposed skin. "You didn't tell me you were coming over," I pointed out, a side of me is hoping to scold him for not giving me a heads up.

He steps away from me a little and I quietly exhale in relief, "I'm sorry, it's been a few days since I last saw you and I know it's my work's fault as always, but I wanted to make sure you were okay as well as tell you that I love you."

My lips run dry and I am trapped with not knowing what to say, but before I can regain myself, he speaks, "You're probably still mad at me for the last eight months." His grey eyes flicker with a little guilt.

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