5: let me introduce myself

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"People with weaknesses get killed by the people who lack them. Notice I'm not dead."
Sherrilyn Kenyon

"Quynn Hudson, I am Anna Wilson, I am Eli Wilson's fiancée and in five weeks I will be his wife," she says the Wilson name with much emphasis on the Wilson as if it was supposed to mean something to me.

Wilson; does that name sound familiar? I wonder to myself before coming up short. No, it doesn't. Well, is it supposed to? Also no.

At least the stranger finally put a name to herself, I've been calling her Lucifer's younger sister since I saw her more than half an hour ago.

She then takes the next hour briefly introducing herself, Family, background, work and things I didn't find interesting to know.

She's not my lost twin because according to everything she just said, she knows her birth parents and they are still alive the last time she spoke to them. The reason we look so much alike and sound a bit alike as well is purely coincidental.

"I'm very sure you didn't go through all the stress this past month just to introduce yourself, family and work to me." I groan out, completely bored from her aimless lecture.

Something in my gut tells me she's not here to get justice for Ade's death or help Sharon. She's here on a different agenda and she's going use me to get it.

She coldly stares at me but just like before, she ignores and continues to speak, "I have come here with a proposal for you. I will need you to take my place and the role of Ms Wilson, Eli Wilson's fiancée."

My ears ring in bewilderment, and after proper digestion of what she just proposed, I realized it is completely impossible and therefore a death sentence.

I raise my hands in confusion, "You want me to be you." I ask, my voice beyond astonished.

"Yes," she answers putting out the smoke in her cigar and this is the second time she's smoked in the last hour.

My eyes flutter close as I take another moment to process this messed up situation. "I can't do that. We may look alike, but we are not the same and your fiancé of all people will know that."

They may have been engaged for only two months, but I am sure they have gotten to know each other well over the many months they've dated and no way I can replace that feeling. Eli might probably know her better than she knows herself and he if he doesn't, why was he marrying her?!

"He will, they all will if you don't play your part well in the days you will be my replacement."

My brow rises and my heart begins to beat faster, "Days? How many days are we talking about?"

"For the next twenty-one days."

"Twenty-one days?" I echo and my eyes widen, "that's three weeks!" I get up from my seat and move to the kitchen to grab a bottle of whiskey and a cup from the counter. I don't drink in the morning, but it's too early for all this. "You want me to be your replacement for three weeks and your fiancé of all people is not supposed to find this out. He's not an idiot is he?"

From her introduction about herself, she seems to be surrounded by a lot of people, and that makes her proposal a suicide mission. I can't fool everyone and if I'm caught, it would be said that I stole her identity and I could go to jail. There are always "what-ifs" in these kinds of arrangement.

She glares at me, I suppose because I called her fiance an idiot and she speaks, "I know that's not going to happen because we are already alike in so many ways and also because one of your very special skill is impersonating people."

Ms Wilson's Replacement Where stories live. Discover now