Home is in this plane

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-Chapter 9-


Warning: Angst, Suicidual Thoughts, Blood and Mental Health, Cursing

Also for this chapter there are many flashbacks so the first and last paragraphs will be italicized to show setting in the past

Sally gently held Fundy, the now six year old hybrid, with a bright smile. The child already deciding many things but that being how special today was. Or Fundy's birthday.

Wilbur setting up the last decorations for the party in their boat house up in Outcasts' Isle Seaside. Or the countryside prefect for water hybrids. And good for winged folks to fly about.

Well more like merchant boat but also a place for people to live. In fact Sally being the captain with 4 other crew mates. One of them even being Eret as their go to Healer.

Wilbur was also setting up some runes for some magic tricks. Finn the Ancient Mage merchant of the crew helping come with some interesting late ideas.

"Wilbur, Fundy is pretty excited for their birthday!!", Sally exclaims as Wilbur chuckles. This birthday being a pretty special day as going by the culture of the sea, it was when Fundy got to choose which of genders they are and able to fully transition.

Sally and Wilbur working tirelessly to learn everything they could about the ancient magic and culture of the Sea or Water passed down generation by generation with many new traditions and changes to the old.

The pair wanting the safest magic for Fundy who very excited to say the least. Fundy may be born female but it's their choice in life.

"How's its going my favorite Minecrafts?", Eret asks as the trio chuckle softly. Eret, of course, brought quite the number of good food to cook. Probably even going to the Nether which made the pair worry a little as the Nether wasn't a very nice place for their friend.

Or a Soul and Life Archmage & Sky Dragon Hybrid. There was no sky in the Nether however which would severely drain his energy to say the least. Then there was soul sand. Though used in many potions and brews, it was painful for Soul Archmages to be around the sand for long.

"Eret! Eret!", Fundy jumps off Sally as he heads excitedly to him. "Pretty good and Fundy is very excited for his birthday. Happy as always to see his seaparent!", Sally laughs as Eret laughs with her softly.

"Alright now you two go get ready!! I'll handle the cooking today with Fundy! You two have a lot to do!", Eret says softly as the pair agree before heading off.

Sally and Wilbur soon head to the second lower deck off to get ready or change out of their pajamas and into real clothes for the party.

"Hey Wil", Sally calls as Wilbur looks up with full attention. "Yes, my siren", Wilbur says softly as Sally smiles.

"Can you promise me something?", Sally asks softly as Wilbur nods. "Can you promise that no matter what happens you'll always keep your hope and passion? Not just for me but also for Fundy?", Sally asks as gentle tears of simple joy beat in Wilbur's heart.

"Always, my siren.", Wilbur says happily as he grabs his guitar with his scrapebook and camera.


Tommy had enter the Great Hall as the usual to see Wilbur as usual not present. His plate however was not gone however like the many days however. The plate sat untouched meaning that Wilbur didn't eat breakfast.

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