The Blood Within Us

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                            -Chapter 7-

Warning: Angst and One of Schlatt's Fatal Mistakes


Also there will be no ships on Tubbo, Ranboo or Tommy so DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!

Morning came with screams and cries the day after the Festival. The dead counted in the hundreds and thousands. The injured taken straight under medical care. Fundy having now to take up the void that Tubbo left.

Something however grew apparent however with the deaths. Fundy grew silent staring at the calculations and strange appearance of it. The number was off. Like a piece of what should be was cut off.

Fundy grew erie silent realizing it. The Time Magic that Tommy used to save Tubbo. It wasn't just saving Tubbo. To do so you would have to reverse . . . time. Thus save others at the same time.

Tommy saved thousands that night without meaning to. He knew the price of using said magic however. He might now be a . . .No! He's not! Fundy won't allow it. He won't allow another scar placed on his family.

Fundy was silent with tears falling gently down his face. He stares at the family portrait hanging above the fireplace in his base in the Dark Woodlands. Grandpa Phil, Uncle Techno, Wilbur(his Dad), Sally(His Mom) that part being painted into however,  Tubbo(his adopted Uncle), Uncle Tommy or his dad's brother who he considers his own little brother.


Tommy and Fundy were out in the forest. They weren't too far from the house or out of the wards. It had been few days after Fundy and Wilbur's talk. They were sitting within a flower bed, the local animals knowing them and leaving them be.

Tubbo being out with Wilbur on a check up with the doctors and healers. Puffy, a friend of his Dad, babysitting them. She was watching them on a tree while reading a book as well. Probably about Universal Law as she is training to be in the Universal Guard.

The Universal Guard being the warriors and protectors of the Universe. They are the protectors of the realms and are the people who work to protect all living under it. The hunters chasing his family. The Universal Court holding lawyers and judges for said criminals and Universal Law. After those two departments, then there was Universal Code. That's where the admins come in with the Nether King and Hardcore Sage.

Fundy was reading a book on Coding Magic. The subject fairly interesting to him and the mass impacts this branch of magic had on the universe. Also the thought of using this magic to protect his family burns gently in his heart.

Tommy was writing in his journal. A journal given to him by Grandpa Phil or Dadza to Tommy. Fundy felt guilt about how Grandpa had to be so far away. Fundy had his dad with him but Tommy and Tubbo didn't. They had Wilbur and Techno but they were their brothers. They had each other at least.

"Tommy, how do you do it?", Fundy asks softly as Tommy looks up confused. He tilts his head in confusion staring at Fundy. "How do you smile so easily with everything?", Fundy asks as silence chops within the flower patch.

Puffy stares down at the pair in shock. These two children scarred by the world. Forced to go into hiding. Wandering around until they can go home again. The thought ringing violently within her.

"Fundy, I smile because I know as long I have my family things will be better. As long I have Tubbo, Wilbur, Techno, you and Phil. All of our friends. I know I'm not alone. I know that no matter where we are. All the threats and dangers we may face will be nothing because we have each other. Home may be far away right now but we have our family. And that's what counts.", Tommy answers with a bright smile before jumping up to play with the bees to distract himself. He and Tubbo can't really be separated for long hours at a time unless the pair were asleep.

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