An Election and A Fury

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-Chapter 1-
There will be many times Schlatt is misspelled and me being to lazy to fix them all so deal with it
Today was the day. It was Election Day. The results of all parties running were counted. Even one's late last night. Maybe that was a mistake.

Tommy stands on the podium with the other parties and Wilbur. Wilbur having spent his time counting the votes as fairly as possible with red stone equipment to get the votes counted as fast as possible.

Tommy by way has been feeling the first stage effects of regrowing and losing his wings. Even then the pain was absolutely unbearable.

There were days that Tommy barely had the strength to get out of bed. Also constantly throughout the day, random parts of his body both internal and external would sting like if on absolute fire. Like soul fire or magma.

Then there is the morning sickness which would end in pain of Tommy coughing out blood. Tommy could also tell that his tears were drying up too.

Sometimes Tommy would be crying out blood as well. There was also the times he could a netherite sword stabbing at him randomly at different areas.

And that was just physically, Tommy has felt some mental effects but he wouldn't call them a bad thing.

Tommy would never admit it but the way he lost his wings made him more clingy to L'Manberg his home. More clingy to Tubbo. More clingy to Wilbur. Also more protective.

More protective of his home. More territorial and sentimental to his things. Especially to his discs, wings and L'Manberg.

More protective of his loved ones and brothers. Tubbo and Wilbur who are his brothers. And of course Technoblade.

Wilbur and the Blade being his brothers biologically and magically. Tubbo just being an adopted brother due to how magic affects him personally.

Oh and how protective? Well enough for Tommy to actively train himself regularly on both magic and pvp. With a few other things thrown in of course.

Anyway back to the Election, and after a couple shuffles over voting fraud. Which Cocount2020 held the most of. Or Wilbur's son, Fundy, who is also Tommy's nephew. Which honesty Tommy thinks that Wilbur's punishment of public humiliation was a little too light.

But moving onto the results, Wilbur on the main center mic with his papers of the results.

"With 9% of the popular vote . . . in fourth place is Cocount2020.", Wilbur declares softly but with pride for his son's running in the Election. Maybe during the next Election, he will become president.

Fundy's cheers with Nikki on their hard work and the results. Sharing their thanks to those who voted.

"With 16% of the popular vote coming in third place is Schlatt2020.", Wilbur reads off next before staring at Schlatt with a congratulatory smile in his eyes. It wasn't a rubbing it in but an congrats for how far he came in the election right after being unbanned.

Those banned from severs normally gain harsh treatment or discrimination in the next sever they managed to live in. So being unbanned is a absolute treasure as they are given a second chance at life.

Right everyone has lived in a Mother Sever before leaving to crave their own path. Like the UK Sever or the USA Sever. These severs are like the basic stems where all players come from.

There was surprise in the audience however. They had expected something more due Schlatt's ambitious declares and running but this? Oh well, you win some and lose some.

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