29 (Plan)

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Jin pov

"Jin turn to left please!" I nodded and did as the doctor said.
"Very good! Ummm...ok! How do you feel you will see again?"
"I am happy! I wanna see dad appa and Tae."

"So you want to see your family hmmm?" I nodded.
"Yeah! Everyone say I am like dad but appa said they are lying and I am like him. I wanna see myself and find it." He chuckled and I heard appa a dad laughing too.

"So you wanna find this." I nodded.
"Ok we are done. You can go to your parents." I nodded.
"Jin baby!" Dad hold my hand.
"Ok! Everything's ready for the surgery. He must be here from tomorrow for his checkups. Jin 4 days later and you'll see." I smiled. I will see.

"Thank you so mcuh!" I heard appa.
"Ah I am happy I can help you. More I can see you became parents at a young age so sure it was hard for you. I am happy your son will see now."
"Thank you doctor! We were willing for a day Jin can see. It means alot for us." Dad said. I heard snifflings.

"Ah sorry! It is just I am so happy. Thank you doctor." I smiled. Appa is happy that I can see. He is always talking about it.
"Jin you must come here tomorrow ok?" I nodded.

"Ok very good! You will see soon." I smiled and nodded. I have plans I will use this time to get what I want.

Jungkook pov

"Ummm....what do you think about having something in a restaurant hmmm?" I asked and looked at everyone.
"Yeahhh! I like it appa what about you?"

He looked at Jin and smiled.
"Yes baby! I like too."
"So what you prefer to eat?" I asked him he looked at me but then stole his look.
"Jin baby Tae what you two like to eat?" He started thinking with a cute pout and then spoke with Tae.
"We want shrimp."
"Ok go to a seafood restaurant."
"I thought I asked you." He didn't say anything. From that day I am trying and doing my best to take his attention. We atleast can get along well even he doesn't accept me as his husband.

"Ok we will go to have seafood." He nodded.
"Tae I want to watch movie with you when I see."
"Ok! We can play games too."

"Jin you know you cannot use your eyes alot the first months. You must be careful." Jimin said.
"Ahhh nooo I want to do whatever I want."
"Jin baby listen to your appa. He is right."
"No he bans me from everything. He is mean."
"It is cause he loves you and doesn't like something happen to you. We love you baby." Jimin looked at me and I smiled. I looked at Jin who was pouting.

"You will listen yes sweetheart?"

Jimin pov

"Let me wash your hands!" I started washing Jin's hands.
"Why you didn't answer dad?" I sighed. This child!
"I think I can do whatever I want."

"You are ignoring him. You said ignoring others is bad. We must not ignore others." He said but I didn't react.
"You are ignoring me too." I sighed.
"They are clean come we must dry your hand."

"You love dad!" He said.
"And who said that?"
"Tae! I felt it too."
"You are making mi-"
"No it is why you are mad at him. Why you just simply don't tell him?"

"Look! When you love someone you must confess or will lose your love." I shook my head. I am sure something has happened to him.
"You are done let's go!"
"Ahhhh why don't you an-"
"One more word and I won't speak with you." He pouted and tightened his brows.

I hold his hand and took him to our table. As I'm looking at him he is getting taller than me. I smiled. My baby is getting bigger and bigger. I still can remember how fragild and little he was.
"Ah you two are done?" I nodded.
"Sit here!" I then helped him to sit and sat beside him.
"I am at your right." He then whispered something in his ears.

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