4 (See)

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Jimin pov

I was walking in the mall with Bakehyun. I came to buy some things for Jin's birthday and a gift for him.
"So what do you want to buy for him?"
"Ummmm I don't know! I saw a breacelete maybe I buy it for him."
"I think he'll like it."

"So how's everythinng going?" He asked me.
"Ah hard! Jin is asking alot these days."
"You cannot blame him he is 17 now. He understands everything." I nodded.
"I don't know how but he has heard I told Chan Jungkook is alive."
"He knows his father's name?" I shook my head.

"Fortunately no!"
"What will you do?"
"What can I do? Tell him his father wanted to kill him? Asked me to kill his own child? I cannot imagine how heart broken my baby will be. I cannot Baekhyun."
"What about finding Jungkook and telling him everything?"

"He wanted to kill my baby when he wasn't borned an-"
"But you gave birth to him and he is 17 now. Maybe if he sees his son he changes his mind. And if not we will be sure he doesn't hurt Jin. And the lovable your son is I doubt Jungkook will ban himself from that angel."

Jungkook pov

I looked at the boy who was sitting next to me and smiling. How their parents let him come out alone?
"Ummmm....you always come out alone?" He looked at me.
"I know you think it is dangerous cause I cannot see but I can feel things well. It is rare appa lets me but today I kinda was about to beg on my knees so he accepted." He said and giggled. I chuckled he is so much cute.

"You are cute! How old are you Seokjin?"
"17! December 4 th is my birthday and I'm going to be 17." Ah his birthday is like my baby's birthday. In december.
"Your birthday is near!" He nodded.
"Yes! Appa says he has a surprise for me." He said and his voice was excited.
"Yes?" He nodded happily.

"You look excited for that. I am sure your parents will surprise you as well."
"I just have appa." He said with a sad voice.
"Ummm....you lost your father?" He shrugged.
"I don't know! They told me he is dead. But lately I found....he is alive."

That's sad!
"Ummm....I am sure whereever he is he loves you."
"But my cousin said you cannot find a father which loves his son and leave him."
"Well....life is complicated. You will understand when you get older." He sighed.
"No need for becoming older. It was complicated for me as I was born." I think he means about his eyes.

"See your disabilities as abilities."
"Well I understand it is hard not seeing anything but I'm sure your other senses are very strong." He giggled.
"Appa always says my ears are fantastic."
"See! You have a strong ability now." He giggled again.

In that time his phone rang and he whispered answer it to his phone.
"No Tae I'm out."
"No appa sent me out myself." I heard a bold voice shouting.

"Hey! Don't scream. I am fine! I am in the way to home."
"Tae I'm fine!"
"Ok! See you!" He then hung up the phone.

"He is silly!" I chuckled.
"You must not blame him from how worry his voice seemsed I can say he loves you."
"I know but he becomes out of mind sometimes."
"Is he your boyfriend?" He started laughing.

"What is this?"
"You thought Taehyung is my boyfriend. It is funny!" He tightened his hands around his stomache and laughed hard. I chuckled he is really cute and funny and each second he makes me sure about it.

"So what is with this?"
"It is funny! He is my cousin and best friend. We were together since we were little. He is just 3 months older than me." I nodded.
"So you are an only child?" He nodded.
"Yes! Appa is always beside me so Taehyung and my uncles. They are so much worry that sometimes I can't understand."

"They have the right! Parents will be worry for their children."
"You have a child?" My heart clenched in my chest.
"Yes? He is boy or a girl?" I didn't know what to say. So I just said what I imagined all these years.
"A boy!"
"Yes? How old is he?"
"He is at the age of you and was born in december like you."

"Ahhhhh! Then he must be so much happy cause you are his father."
"I haven't seen you but my friends were saying you are handsome and good looking. I liked to have a handsome dad. My appa is so much beautiful this is what everyone say and everytime I touch his face I can feel that so my dad must be handsome too am I right?"

I smiled.
"With your angelic face I can say both your parents are beautiful and handsome." He giggled.
I heard the sound of something. It was from his home.
"We arrived." I looked at the house. It was a beautiful house with a garden.

"Can you go yourself?"
"Yes! But....." He then touched my shoulder hair and clothes.
"What is it?"
"You are wet! Maybe you can use our dryer and then leave. You helped me I wanna make it up to you."

"Ah no thank you! I am happy that I met you."
"Don't say no! My appa made cake for me we can have some come on!"

Taehyung pov

I was in my way to uncle Jimin's house.
"This silly boy. It is raining heavily and he went out himself I wonder how wet he became right now."

I called Jin to be sure he is at home now.
"Jin where are you?"
"I'm at home. When are you coming?"
"I'm in my way to your house. Do you want something?"
"Can you buy some snacks?"
"I actually bought!"
"I think we cannot go out today. It raining so much."

"No problem. We can watch a movie if you can describ it for me." I chuckled.
"Ok! I like that."
"I'm waiting for you!"

"Sorry where should I put this?" I heard a stranger's voice.
"Ah give it to me."
"Jin who is he?"
"I heard someone's voice."
"Ah you will see him when you come. He helped me to come home."
"Jin what if he-"
"Hey I myself know I must not trust strangers. He was a nice guy. Come soon I am waiting for you."

Jin pov

"It was your cousin again?" I nodded.
"Yes he was worry for me."
"Were the clothes ok? My appa and I are small so I gave you the shirt I bought for my uncle Channie for his birthday."
"Ah you didn't have to-"
"No you helped me I am happy I make it up to you."

I then took two cups from the cupboard and poured some coffee which I made in both of them.
"Where are you sitting?" He didn't say anything.
"Mr Jeon?"
"Ah...sorry." I chuckled and went to the place his sound came.
"You thought I cannot do anything myself?"

"Ummm....no no...it is just-"
"Shocking I know!" But I must do things for myself yeah?"
I then took the coffee and I heard he sipped some coffee and put his cup on the table.

"Is it good?"
"Yes you did great! It reminds me to 18 years ago."
"Yes?" I heard he sighed.
"My appa makes it better. He said he drank coffee alot when he was at teh age of me to be awake for his exams and study." Appa is really funny.

I heard the door bell.
"It is Tae!" I got up and went to the door.
"Jin baby!"
"Appa!" He hold me tightly.
"Ah I was so much worry so I told your uncle Baekhyun I will come to you. I bought us pizza Tae said he is coming too."
"Yes he called me."
"Baby were you under the rain? Ah appa is sorry I should have taken you out. Ah I can smell coffee you made coffee?" From his voice I can say he is happy and smiling.

I heard he took his coat out.
"Is someone here?" So he saw the clothes on the dryer maybe. I nodded.
"Yes! My cane broke and he helped me to come to home appa. He is in the kitchen."

I then hold his hand and guided him to the kitchen.
I was about to enter the kitchen when I hit to someone.
"Oops! Mr Jeon! You got up from your seat?"


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