21 (Cooperating)

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Jimin pov

I hold Jin tightly and kissed his head.
"Baby take care ok? Appa will come and see you tomorrow."
"Appa why don't you come? We can have dinner together." He hold my hand and whinned.
"No baby! You go with your dad. I have to do some things. More Tae is coming with you. Take care and don't bother your dad ok?" He pouted and nodded. I want them have time together. The two of them.

"Baby our house is near here. Your appa can come to us whenever he wants and you can come to him too." Jungkook said and caressed his hair.
"We are going Jimin!" I nodded.
"Appa I love you!"
"I love you too baby!"

I kissed him for the last time and then he went.

I went back to the house which was silent now.
"I missed you!" I sat behind the door and cried my heart out. All these years he was always beside me but now I must share him. With his dad. I cannot ban him cause he is happy with his dad. I don't want to ruin his happiness.

I took my phone and called Chanyeol.
"Hey why your voice is cracking and you are sniffling?"
"Jin went to his dad for 3 days." I heard him sighed.

"I am coming there now with Baekhyun."
"Thank you!"
"Don't cry! Just think how Jungkook feels that he is far from Jin all the time." He is right. He loves Jin alot and wants to be with him as well.

Jungkook pov

I caressed Jin's hair. He was sleeping peacefully. He was alittle tired cause was setting his stuffs with the help of Taehyung.

I am happy he feels comfortable here.
"I love you my baby!" I kissed his head and came out of his room.

I went to my room and opened my laptop to check my works. In that time my phone rang. It was Namjoon.
"Hey bro!"
"Hi! How is everything?"
"Good! Jim will be here with me for 3 days. I am happy my baby will be next to me."
"I am happy for you."
"So what is this?"
"I have good news for you!"

"Yes?" He chuckled.
"Hey calm down."
"Tell me! My Jin can see?"
"Well....one of the proffessors here checked his documents. He said he must check him himself. He had cases like your son before and said he can say he can have his vision." I smiled. My son can see. He can see me. Look at me and see this world.

"Jin....my Jin....can see?" He chuckled.
"Welll....yeah! He said like this."
"So....what should we do?"
"Well....you must come here. He must check him and be sure if this treatment will work on him."
"Ok I must speak with his appa."

"How's everything going with his appa and you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Hey dude I know you love him an-"
"Loved him!"
"He hid my son he lied to me. I never ever can love him again."

Jimin pov

"So he is with his dad yes?" I nodded.
"He was excited he whinned alittle cause I was not going with him but is ok now."
"Tae said he was very happy when he entered his room and liked there." I smiled.
"I will go and see him tomorrow after school."

"I thought you won't go. You said Jungkook asked you not to go."
"Well....I told him I will go working the days Jin's not here. You know if I stay alone here I would go crazy. I will go to school and then will come and make dinner for Jin and his dad and then go to them in that case I won't think too much. And when he is here I will just be beside him." They nodded.

"So how's everything with you and Jungkook?" I sighed. I even don't know what is our relationship.
"The only thing is connecting us and we are sharing is Jin. We are his parents and when it comes to him we will do our best. We took him to a doctor. We are doing our best so he can be stronger cause his body is weak." They chuckled.

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