eleven: soulful moaning

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i dont fw with school any more. i don't wanna do it.
i can't be the only one😭


Two days later

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Two days later.

"Ms. River, are you even focusing?" Her advisor asked as Jelani worked on her customer exhaustively. "I'm sorry. I just have so much on my mind right now," She sighed, wiping her forehead. Her advisor scowled. She wasn't necessarily the nicest person to Jelani, but Lani never expected her to be.

"Get those thoughts out of your mind then. Is that possible Jelani?" The advisor spat in Jelani's face. "Yep, sorry."

Jelani's father had been arrested. She didn't know if she had to care but all she knew is that her sister, Khadijah was freaking out. Khadijah had been calling Jelani the entire night and ended up coming over and crying.

Jelani hadn't got any sleep in the past three days so she felt like a zombie. "I'm sorry," She repeated, just to gain sympathy from the advisor. "It's okay. Get some rest," She smiled. "Now?" Jelani excitedly rose.

"No you walrus- after work."

Jelani sunk down back into her seat, sighing loudly.


"Dude, you have to introduce me to her soon," Jerry exclaimed as Xavier concluded his story of Jelani.

"We just fuck," Xav answered truthfully. "Yeah, but you like her..." Jerry said picking Xavier's cat - Ms. Boner. The name was Xavier's teenage idea. "No. I like her body."

Jerry shrugged. "I can't imagine just liking someone for their body," Jerry  sighed. Xavier scoffed and said, "Well. Maybe it's just because guys just don't approach you."

"You have no idea what's its like to be in love with a married man," Jerry scoffed. "Just don't be in love with a married man. I don't know- find the tinder for gays. What's it called again?" Xavier suggested.

"It's Grindr. And for your information, I'm not a whore. I don't go for easy hookups. I want love dude. Why is so much for you?" Jerry questioned.

Love...that never made sense to Xavier.

There were multiple reasons why Xavier couldn't
fall for someone:

1. He was an addict. His feelings  probably won't be genuine.

2. He was too immature for most women — he knew that.

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