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I think this chap may be longer than I expected lol.

"So, you guys are together? For real?" Hoseok asks Jimin who is sitting across him.

"Yep. Please don't get mad Hoseokie hyung. and uh, Ive got to tell you something..." Jimin looks down his lap, afraid Hoseok might scream at him later on

"Im not mad, unless you'd have an explanation. " Hoseok crosses his arms over his chest, his just being overprotective. And he doesn't want Yoongi hurt Jimin like his last relationship.

Jimin sighs before explaining the whole plot, adding when he quit and his dad disowning him for being gay.

"That dick. How can he let you out like that?!" Hoseok exclaims, slamming down his arms at the table, Jimin flinching a bit.

"Its fine now hyung... Beside, I told Seokjin hyung a plan. And I was wondering, If you'd like to join us for this, it might be dangerous but. I really want this to happen to him. " Jimin mumbles.

"Alright... What plan Jiminie? When did you and Seokjin hyung last meet?" He asks

"Just last weekend at past midnight." Jimin answered.

"So, when do we go to a meeting and plan this whole thing with everyone who is helping with us?"

"Don't worry hyung, I've got it all covered up. " Jimin smiles

"Wow Jiminie, you sure an adult now, huh?" Hoseok teased and Jimin hitting him.

"Yah! Stop it. "

"Fine fine, but you owe me an boyfriend." Hoseok said cheekily, laughing at his own response.

Jimin looked at him confused, "Your gay hyung? Thought you're into girls?"

"Man, we've been friends for over the years and yet you haven't realized that Im gay?" Hoseok asks slightly disappointed.

"Sorry hyung, you just barely show it. You know, having hook ups"

"I'll do that when I sure have a boyfriend" Hoseok winks at Jimin while Jimin gags.

It was 8:20 in the evening and, all the squads were sitting round the table, sitting there silence..

"What are we here for Jimin-ah?" Namjoon asks sitting up straight.

"Oh-uh. Me and Seokjin hyung made a plan, mostly me, just told him." Jimin chuckles to himself. "Here." Jimin slides the  paper full of scribbles or drawings they think, and look at it, studying what the hell it was.

"Is this a map Jimin?" Namjoon asks again, kind of disappointed, not liking where this is going now

"Yup, I've been thinking of taking advantage of my dad, y'know, and maybe um. Get revenge. So, Im asking you for help guys, mostly all of you would be watching the cctv s first to see If there are people or maybe the dumb guards standing all around the house." Jimin explains, now everyone looking at him, shock, except Seokjin who knows it all now.

"I would be interested to help but, I don't like it were this is going." Namjoon said crossing his arms and looking at Jimin.

"I know but... I already done this before, I just needed distraction from all the securities and hack the CCTV s." Jimin exclaimed.

"Fine. When are we going to start planning of who and whom's?" Yoongi asks looking at Jimin and glancing at the others.

"We can start tomorrow morning. So our minds freshen up, and pack the things we needed in the other day, and wait for the perfect time to come to that house." Jimin said and everyone agrees.

"All right, sounds cool to me. Whose car are we using tho?"

"Don't worry guys, we can use my two black van. We need to separate, If the guards or his dad's little minions caught us, we can go to each others car and the other one would he left alone at the other van." Says Seokjin, and some looking at him and none agreeing at the situation.

"What if the other one would get shot?!" Taehyung shouts and Seokjin looks at him with a bored expression.

"Then that other one would be dead."


"We can't just let the other left behind! I suggest lets all go to the same van and drive away fast!!"

"That is impossible Taehyung. One has to get caught, and all wouldn't get noticed."


"No buts! Just stick with the plan. We haven't really plan it all, thats why we called you here, aren't we?" Seokjin said glaring at Taehyung who had stands up to his sit and scoffs.

"Your cold-hearted hyung." Taehyung saids getting out of the room

"Wait, Taehyung!" Jungkook yells and running out the room with Taehyung.


How's all? :>

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