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[Not edited]

Yoongi PoV

I walk out of my bedroom, finally. I was freshen up now and I was really thankful that Jimin didn't disagreed to the favor I requested to him, I do hope we won't be akwarded at the situation. I climb down the stairs full of deep thought and I let my feet to drag me wherever it will end up going to.

"Glad you did go out your room, hyung" I heard chuckles at the last sentence of it and snap back to reality. That has been the best sound I have ever heard of my life. I looked away so that he can't look my bright red cheeks, Its pretty obvious if I blush my face would burn up and because of my pale skin, Its more and more obvious when I did. And I hated it. A shake my head and looks at Jimin who has his back facing me and cooking bacon and eggs. I sit down one of the chairs and let my arm down the table and rest my chin above my hands.

I waited for Jimin to finish cooking as I watch him carefully. I closed my eyes as I feel sleep taking over me again, but I didn't. I heard plates being place infront of me and I shot my eyes open and smells the food before poking it with my fork and eat it..

Few hours later

3rd person pov

Yoongi walking in a unfamiliar alley, he wanted to take off things on his mind. So he manage to go out and take a walk since his been locked in his bedroom for weeks.

He did miss the sun shining through him, and fresh breeze of air hitting his body making him more comfortable and walk more.

Yoongi wasn't really paying attention to where is he going. But then he felt someone following him from behind, he senses who it was, and now knowing who it was, he finally stop and speak up.

"Long time no see. . . Jackson." He says in a meaning voice that he can imagine that the man behind him was flinching at his sudden voice. He doesn't turn around 'nor walk away. He just stays there and wait for what will the man would do next.

"Damn Yoongi. . . Your still skinny as fuck!" Jackson screamed and laugh. Yoongi stilled his poker face on his face and his eyes twitching at what he knows what he need to do next if the man behind him insults him one more time and make a move.

Yoongi was patient. He didn't speak. He just waited... And waited.

He hears steps coming closer to him and close his eyes gently and gladly listen to whatever Jackson would say to him.

Finally, the footings has stopped. He wasn't curious at all. Hr just stood there and has his eyes closed gently looking like a sleeping man, but was stood up.

"Y'know Yoongs. . . Your father wouldn't like you walking out here. A gay fag walking down the alley. . ." He started, Yoongi sighs slightly. Then reaches for his pants and getting the gun slowly. . . And slowly, he points the gun in Jacksons head and waited for his reaction.

When Jackson looked up at Yoongi holding a gun in his one hand.. and didn't notice he already pulled the trigger. Before he can react at the shot, his eyes widened, and fall on his chest his forehead hitting Yoongi's shoes.

Gosh, how Yoongi missed killing. More like, Murder.

He glances at his surroundings and looks down the dead body on his feet. He smiles cheekily and slowly crouches down and tugging the dead body hair. Making him looking at his face, he then speaks up.

"That's what you get for opening your. . . Filthy mouth!" He slaps down the head and pull the trigger, once more, he shots it multiple times.

He enjoys it. He misses times like this. He drags the dead body away from the alley and throw it on a suck place he knows that no one would know. That's where he throw the dead bodies when he kills someone innocent for seeing him killing somebody at some court.

When he was done, he stands up and says.

"How beautiful."


Now we are getting to the point I want!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS

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