xxii. evelyn cressler

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"Are you sure you're feeling alright?"


"Does it hurt?"


"Are you feeling nauseous, dizzy, or sick?"


"You don't have to lie if you don't feel good, alright?"

"I'm not lying."

"Want some vitamins? They're really yummy... b-but their too yummy... is it okay if I just eat it?"

"Yes, that's fine Kaia."

It had been a week since the octopus incident... which somehow (Daryah still couldn't believe it) nobody else had noticed. After three days, Callie was released from the infirmary, and her friends had been fussing over her.

"I'm fine!" Callie grumbled. At first, it had been rather gratifying and heartwarming to see her friends care so much about her, and it was a completely new experience. However, after having it happen daily, and not even leaving room for her to breathe was quite suffocating. By now, it was just infuriating.

"Are you—"

"Yes. Positive."


"In fact, I'm feeling so well that I'm going to attend classes again!" Callie exclaimed, quickly jumping up. "See you at breakfast!"

"What are you babbling about?" Jade said crossly. "The moment other mer see you, it will be very obvious that something had happened. We don't need rumors do we? They know you as a bright, kind and vibrant mermaid, but look at you. Your complexion is still lacking it's usual luster, it looks drained of color. Your eyes don't have a happy sparkle in them per usual, and you obviously look like a clump or exhaustion! There are worry lines puckering your eyebrows and you look miserable. In other words, your a wreck."

Callie scowled. "Wow, thank you, Jade."

"Er... she's not wrong," Charlie piped up.

"Oh shush you," Callie muttered. "I didn't ask for your opinion."

Charlie huffed and poked Callie forehead. "Honestly, mermaids can be so rude!"

"What? Your the one who—"

"I didn't mean it in a... totally bad way?" Jade finally said, interrupting Callie's conversation with the ghost. "I'm just trying to say... are you sure you're physically ready? Your mental health is fine, but you know... the receiving of the call weakened the state of your body. You look deprived of health, and your expression is also full of melancholy."

"Well," Callie replied, determined to go outside, "Why should it be any of their business? Let them gossip! Just please don't keep me in this place forever!"

"You don't know how bad rumors can get," Daryah said, biting her lip. "Especially when a lot of people take interest."

"And why in Poseidon's name would they be interested in me?" Callie whined. "I feel suffocated when I'm stuck in the same room for four days! Besides, wouldn't there already be rumors since I haven't been seen for, like, a week?"

"True," Daryah agreed reluctantly.

"Just let her out," Jolie finally spoke up. "It's like being a prisoner, cooped up in here. As an adventurer, I'd rather go through the thrilling exploit of death than do nothing!"

"Yes, it would be nice to have some fresh air," Kaia added timidly. "It would help her a lot..."

"Fine," Jade sighed. "But... don't say I didn't warn you."

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