xiv. moonlit plans

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"Hey there... you alright?" a soft, sweet voice asked Callie gently, the girl sitting next to Callie, whose face was buried into palms, glistening tears running down her face as she fought to conceal the memories flooding back.

"Brilliant," Callie croaked out, looking up a wavering smile. "I'm absolutely brilliant."

The student—a slight older, beautiful girl, maybe a level more or so than her, placed a hand on Callie's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" the older girl inquired softly, offering Callie her handkerchief.

Callie took it gratefully. "I—I can't talk about it," she admitted, a bit shakily, dabbing at her puffy eyes, shame rushing to her cheeks as she saw the dismayed expression on the girl's face.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I shouldn't pry. You don't have to tell me. But I am really sorry, whatever happened. I just hope I can help to make you feel better, oh, don't cry!"

"Thanks," Callie sniffed, tears rolling down her cheeks. "M-my name is Callie."

The older girl's eyes widened a bit in recognition. "I know you," she said. "Well, not exactly. But I've heard of you. You were the one brave enough to stand against Sylvia, right? I heard about it in the dorms. The Level Ones think you're amazingly brave, they admire you, you know. You had the duel, didnt you? Well, I think it's wonderful how brave you are. You may have lost the fight, but you did fintastically for your first duel! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Sylvia is an arrogant prat, don't let her push your buttons. You're great just the way you are."


"Really. I'm Alice, Alice Cavanthe, by the way."

"Thanks for your help, Alice. You really made me feel better." Callie said, a weak smile on her lips.

Alice smiled warmly.

There was something about Alice, something trustworthy and caring.

Alice's soft brown hair fell down her shoulder in a loose braid, sparkling barrettes clipping her bangs up, doe blue eyes alight with generosity, a inviting, kind smile always curving over her pink lips.

"Of course, it was a pleasure," Alice said happily, smiling sweetly. "If you would like, you can call me anytime. I'll always be here to help. Have a great day!"

"You too!" Callie called, her spirts lifting.

Alive waved, walking up to an older boy, with a shy, but kind smile and awkwardness in his movements, clearly nervous.

Callie watched with a small smile on her face as Alice and the awkward boy—who she later learned was named Finn—walk off together, hand in hand, shy smiles on one another's faces.

If only there were more pure souls like Alice and Finn, wouldn't everything be better?

Callie sighed wistfully.

"She was nice," Charlie commented, nodding her head, which was floating in midair, as she appeared with a pop, but bodiless. "A softie, but I like her positive attitude."

Callie screamed.

"What!" Charlie frowned. "Oops, looks like I left my body behind. Hey, be a sweetie and wait for a moment, I need to go fetch it."

Callie nodded, blinking.

"Cool!" Then, Charlie left in a pop, then returned with her head attached to her body.

"Callie!" a voice shouted.

"There you are!" another huffed.

"Darry? Kaia? Jolie? Jade?" Callie blinked. "What're you doing here?"

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