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Hi everyone! I have been on an excursion today, so I only start this chapter at 19.24 or something. But I will try to make a long one:D Don't own Percy Jackson & the Olympians! Enjoy!

Percy looked around. He didn't see any people, but did hear a lot of screaming. That was good. It meant some people were alive. Although others might be dead already.

He took a deep breath and ran forward, towards the screaming. Artemis was already out of sight, she had run forward to help. Percy ran until he saw people.

Percy frowned; it wasn't like his dream. There were two boys and one girl, all right. But the monster was already there and they weren't running. Why doesn't it attack them Percy thought? It's just growling and covering his face with his hands. Percy's eyes widened when he realized why; Artemis was shooting arrows and distracting him.

"Percy! Get those teenagers out! I will distract it"! She yelled without even looking at him. She jumped away when the monster came closer, trying to hit her.

Percy nodded and ran towards the terrified teenagers. They were frozen, their mouths open. They were all trembling and seemed unable to move.

"Get out of here! It's dangerous! We will handle all, but get out of here"! Percy yelled at them. They didn't react. They weren't even blinking.

Percy repeated his words, trying to get them to run. The girl blinked and turned to him, looking still really scared. ( jeez, I wonder why. It's not like there is monster ready to eat her. Oh wait. There is). "Wh-hat? Who are you"? she asked Percy.

Percy sighed. "It doesn't matter. We have to get you and you're friends out of here!" .

The girl shook her head. "We can't. There were three other people. We have to help them and-" "I will take care of it. Go!" Percy interrupted.

The girl hesitated, but turned to her friends. " Antonio! Francis! We have to go. NOW" she yelled to them, shaking them. "They won't move" she said, looking at Percy for help.

She seemed calm, but Percy knew she probably was in shock. Or denial. Maybe she didn't even see the monster like it really was. She could see anything, maybe even an tornado.

Percy walked towards her friends, screaming and shaking them. The girl bit her lip and looked at the monster.

She pushed him aside. "What are you going to-" Percy started, but he already saw it. The girl digged her long, sharp nails into the flesh of one of the boys. He screamed and , finally, moved. "AU! Why did you do that"? he said, frowning. "BECAUSE WE ARE IN DANGER AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE! WE NEED TO RUN"! she screamed, panick on her face.

The boy looked confused. "Danger? What do you-" The girl pointed at the monster. Whatever the teenagers saw, it couldn't be good. The boy looked really scared. "Fuck! I remember! Kylie, J-D and Rachel.. Are they-"? "I will take care of them" Percy interrupted. "You have to go! NOW"!

The boy looked at him. "Wow. Who are you"? "Not important. Go"! "He is right Antonio. This isn't really the time to exchange names. We have to go". The girl looked at the monster, biting her nails.

Percy still didn't know what she saw, but it wasn't good. Antonio nodded and turned to Francis. "Hey dude, wake up"! He started shaking them, but Francis just stood there. "What? He doesn't react! He is just standing there".

The girl walked towards him. "You were like that too. Let me try". "Hurry"! Percy said. He looked at Artemis. She had put some distance between her and Percy, and the monster had followed her. So they were not in any immediate danger.

But Percy needed to get the teenagers out of here and help Artemis. He felt really nervous. She was fighting that monster alone. He wanted to run towards her and help.

Percy Jackson to the rescueWhere stories live. Discover now