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Hey! I'm back. So I'm going to continue my story, hoping I get more reviews/followers etcetera. Oh, and if anyone has any ideas, please share! Would love to here some. Like; what is Aphrodite going to do? What will Zeus do if he ever finds out Percy has kissed Artemis. Things like that:). So, after this long introduction; I don't own Percy Jackson& the Olympians. Enjoy!

Percy and Artemis looked in shock at the goddess standing in front of them. She looked at them like she couldn't believe her eyes.

Percy knew these blonds hairs and grey eyes all too well; he had seen those some features a few days ago when he left camp. He swallowed, really nervous.

"Athena? What are you doing here"? Athena still stared at them, not reacting. Slowly, she shook her head and answered. " Ares asked for my help. He was really panicked and I kind of felt sorry. Although he is stupid and useless. All about strength, instead of brains. But he looked so bad I decided to help him, so I came over here to look at the tracks. And then I saw you two kissing. Explain!"

Artemis and Percy looked at each other; both didn't know what to say. "Ehhm" they said. Athena raised her eyebrows and gestured them to say something and fast.

Artemis swallowed, thnen straightened her back. "Aphrodite's doing again. She has spoken one of her stupid spells over us. When I discovered, I decide to come here and take revenge on her. Percy wanted to come, since this also involved him. I agreed with that. Well, we ruined her clothes and flowers, to begin with. We wanted to ruin her make-up as well, but we had to wait. So we were talking to each other. And then, it just.. happened"

Athena looked doubtful. She sighed and closed her eyes. She pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly thinking about this problem. After some time, while Artemis and Percy got even more nervous, she opened her eyes.

"So Aphrodite has put a spell on you. And when exactly did you discover? And how are you going to stop that spell"? she asked, looking at them expectantly. Artemis shrugged. "I don't know. But, I'm first going to let her pay. Maybe that will teach her not to mess with me. Besides, the spell should be gone in a few weeks".

Percy looked at her, a little panicked. "But I need your help! That means we have to work together in these days, maybe weeks to come. How can we while we're under this spell"?

Athena and Artemis looked at him. "What do you mean, Perseus"? Athena asked. Percy looked at her. For a moment, he was startled by the ressemblance with Annabeth. They had the same storming, grey eyes. And the same blonde hairs. It was almost scary how much they looked alike.

Percy shook his head, trying to concentrate on the conversation. "I mean, that we are all in trouble. I've had a really bad dream about this monster the gods are so worried about. I was sent on a quest to help, but I can't do that alone. I need someone with tracking and fighting skills. Someone brave and strong. I need you, Artemis".

He turned to Artemis, pleading her to understand and help him.

Athena raised her hands. "Wait". Percy turned to her again. "How do you know all this? And do you know what this monster is? Do you have any plans. Since you two are in this... situation, we need a really good plan to accomplish anything".

Percy sighed. "I had a dream about the monster, in which it killed all my friends while I had to watch. I was helpless, couldn't move a muscle. I went to Chiron to discuss this with him, but ran into Mr. D. We had an argument before he left. Your father wanted to speak to him. Then, I walked with Chiron, who had stopped Mr. D from blasting me to tiny Percy-Pieces, towards his cabin. Artemis was there, and I took place in the conversation between them. Later, Rachel told me I was the only one who could save them and I heard we didn't know what the monster was, but that it held a strong ressemblance to a sigbin, a creature from Irish folklore".

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