Time To Talk

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Hey. Whazzup? This is chapter 4 of my Pertemis story. Yah Pertemis :D. What did y'all think of the ending of chapter three? Oh and I know I said Percy would only encounter Artemis when she was with her hunters, but I decided that I didn't like that. So he already encountered her now, he will see her again when she is with her hunters , though. Ok, so chapter 4. ACTION!

Chiron walked into the room with three cups. And cookies. Artemis quickly pulled Percy away, again. She practically jumped back to where she sat before, as far away as possible. Percy blushed like crazy, he must look like a tomato. He looked at Artemis, she was trying hard to act like nothing happened. Like they hadn't leaned forward, their lips almost touching.

Percy didn't know how to act. He almost kissed a maiden goddess, how would you act? Oh shit. People are dying, my friends are likely in danger and all I can think about are the lips of a goddess who vowed to be a maiden forever. Good job Percy he thought. How did that even happen? One moment, there was this weird, uncomfortable moment and the next thing he knew was that he leaned towards her, her lips coming closer and closer.

What would have happened if Chiron had stayed in the kitchen? Percy wondered. Would they have kissed? Percy shook his head, trying to put the image of them kissing out of his mind.

Chiron walked forward and put the drinks down. "So, nectar for Artemis, Cola for Percy and Tea for me. Is it allright"? Chiron looked up. He frowned. "Ehhm, is everything allright with you two"? Artemis was quick to speak, while Percy was still shocked at what just almost happened.

"Oh, nothing Chiron. Perseus had something really interesting to tell about this dream of him and it could be really important. So I was just thinking about that". Percy looked at her; he was suprised she could lie that well. Then again, maybe she really had been thinking about that. Or couldn't she stop thinking about it, too? It wasn't just something; they had almost kissed and..

"Percy"? Chiron suddenly asked, looking worried. Percy realised, once again, he had been staring. Chiron must suspect something was going on by now. He quickly focused on Chiron. "Are you're allright Percy? I know you are really worried about your friends, but you can't do anything about it right now. But we will figure something out, I know that"

Percy felt really bad; his friends were in danger and all he could think about was Artemis. He decided to focus on his friends only, he would deal with the rest later. "Yes, I'm worried indeed Chiron. But we both still don't know anything. Could you tell us what is going on, lady Artemis"? Artemis narrowed her eyes for a second, then she nodded. "Very well. There is indeed something big going on. Even the gods don;t know what exactly. There have been some reoprts from nympfs and naiads and they weren't any good".

Percy interrupted her. "What do you mean? What's going on? Are my friends in danger? What did those reports say"? Artemis shot him a look. She clearly was annoyed by his behaviour. Now she looked at him, Percy thought back to that weird moment, again. He simply couldn't stop thinking about it. Her face had been so close to his, he had been able to see the different colors in her eyes. It wasn't just silver; it was a mix of different colors. Her eyes looked silver, but there was also some light blue, black and even a liitle gold. You had to be really close to her to see that, though. From a distant, her eyes looked just silver. He had been hypnotized by those same beautifull eyes.

He saw Artemis look at him and realised he was staring. Damn Percy thought. Can't I stop staring? She is seriously beautiful, but right now I have to concentrate on my friends. I shouldn't be thinking about some moment we probably were about to kiss. He took a deep breath. "Sorry lady Artemis, please continue. I won't interrupt again"

Artemis looked confused; she hadn't expect that he would apologize. "Well, Perseus the situation is.. difficult. Very difficult and very sensitive. Can I trust the both of you to keep quit what I'm about to tell you"? Percy and Chiron looked at each other before turning towards her. "Yes, lady Artemis. We promise not to tell" Percy said. Chiron nodded in approval. "Good"

Artemis continued. " Those reports from naiads and nymphs and so on talk about a unknown threat" "How do you mean unknown" Percy asked, confused. Artemis raised her eyebrows. "I thought you wouldn't interrupt anymore, Perseus"? Percy turned a little red. "Ehmm, sorry lady Artemis. I forgot. Please continue".

Artemis looked another second at him, then quickly turned away from him. " Various creatures have been killed. Not just demi-gods. The only lead we have are the reports of those who found... the remains of those victims. And well, we know it's the same creature which killed the victims, because all the victims are killed in the same way".

Chiron broke the silence that followed Artemis' explanation. "Lady Artemis, how exactly have those victims be killed"? Artemis coughed. "Well ehm, they have been ripped apart. Actually, only a few body parts have been found, the rest.. kind of .. well . I think you get it". Chiron and Percy stared at her.

Eventually, Chiron started talking. They have been ripped apart? All of them? Were they alone when the creature found them? Or were they with more? They must have fought it, right"? Artemis looked away, reluctant to answer. "Lady Artemis"? Chiron asked. "You know this could , probably will involve my campers. If there is anything else I need to know, speak now".

Artemis bit her lip, that was the only sign she found this hard to tell. "Yes, there were multiple victims, of course. And a lot of them were with 2 of more at the time of the attack. They have been ripped apart, all of them".

Percy was confused. "But haven't the victims tried to do anything? Fight it or something? At least, try. Or maybe one of them could've escaped, I don't get how none of them got away". "You are very right, Perseus. It is strange, indeed. But if the gods are right, it will start to make sense soon. Besides, what about they simply couldn't run away; couldn't move a single muscle".

Chiron frowned. "Wait, do you mean Percy's dream has anything to do with this"? Artemis nodded. "That could be very well the case. It makes perfect sense with what we know; various creatures killed, all of them ripped apart, no one seemed to have tried to escape. Or maybe, they tried, but couldn't escape". Chiron nodded. "That would make sense. Did the reports say anything more"?

Artemis hesitated. "Well, yes they did actually. There are a few people missing. No one knows where they are. It could be the monster which has kidnapped them. I certainly don't hope so. "Well, then we have one more thing to worry about" Chiron sighed.

"Yes, but that still doesn't answer. Why are you her, lady Artemis? I mean, shouldn't you be hunting the monster or something"? Percy asked, curious and worried at the same time. Artemis smiled slightly. "You would think so, but my father wanted me to go to camp half blood first. He wanted me to talk to you, Chiron, and ask your opinion. Also, he expect you to make sure the demi-gods are safe. Well as safe as possible, that is". "Really? He did? I will be happy to help, of course. And I would do anything to protect my campers. But one more question, lady Artemis. Do you know what this monster is"? "Unfortunetely, I don't know. We have a few suspisions, but that's all".

Chiron sighed. "It can never be easy, can it? Ok, how can I help"? Artemis smiled, but that smile quickly faded. "Start with warning the campers, make sure they are ready for any danger. And talk to the oracle, maybe get some information that way. I will go and discuss the further actions with the other gods". With that said, Artemis disappeared with a flash of silver. Percy and Chiron averted their eyes, so they wouldn't disintegrate. Chiron turned to Percy. "I will take care of the campers. Do you think you can contact Rachel"? Percy nodded, looking really worried. "Of course, I will send her an iris message. I will say it's urgent, and that we need her here immediately. She should be here in a few hours". "Good, contact here and I will do the rest". With that, they both walked away.

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