Cotton Candy

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Hey y'all. Here is chapter 9, hope you like it. Make sure you don't come across a sigbin! Don't own Percy Jackson& Olympians. Enjoy!

Percy was shocked. This girl was Artemis? Why is does she looks older? Percy thought. Normally, she looks like twelve, but now she was really a teenager. Why?

"Percy"? Artemis snapped her fingers in front of his face. Percy shook his head. Damn it ! he thought. I was staring at her. What is it with me? The last past days it seems like I can't stop doing that and I make myself look like a fool.

"Ehm, what is it"? he asked, still staring at her. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Ok, first stop looking at me like that. Second, what on earth are you doing here"? Artemis looked really confused.

Percy cleared his throat and tried to concentrate. Not that he really could. She was just too distracting. With those beautiful eyes. And that long hair that felt in waves around her face. And.. well basically, he found everything about her beautiful.

"Ehm, I am here because I had to go on a quest. To save Olympus". Artemis bit her lip. Now, Percy's eyes were drawn to her lips. They were soft and full. He wanted to places his lips on hers. He wanted to discover how they felt. Artemis followed his look. "He! Stop that! " she said. Percy quickly looked her into her eyes again. He blushed.

"Sorry lady Artemis, it's just a shock to see you like this. Why do you look like this anyway"? Artemis sighed. "It doesn't matter really. And why exactly did you have to go on a quest"? Percy shrugged. "I don't know. The prophecy said it had to be me. Just my rotten luck, I quess". Artemis smiled. "Yeah, you do have that. Even the gods can't help you, you're hopeless" She teased.

Percy laughed. "I just attract trouble, I quess". Artemis smiled a little wider. "Yes, you do. seriously Percy, I've never met any man that could in so much trouble. I don't know how you do it".

Percy just stood there and smiled at her. "What? Why are you smiling like that"? Artemis asked, sounding confused. Percy grinned. "Because you called me a man". Artemis rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you are a man. I can see that, you know". Percy grinned.

"I meant that you normally call me a boy, glad you stopped that". She chuckled. "Well, it would be kind of weird to call you a boy, I quess". Percy raised his eyebrows. "And why is that"? Percy asked. "Because you're certainly no boy anymore. You're too tall and muscular for that". Artemis said. Then she blushed, realizing what she had just said. Percy smiled, a little triuphant smile.

Artemis rolled her eyes. "You men are all the same. Annoying and arrogant" Percy stopped smiling. "He! I might be annoying at times, but I'm trying hard not to be like ' all' men". Artemis smiled at him. "That's really good. And you're right, you are different. That's why I haven't turned you into a jackelope for sneaking into my camp. Yet" she said.

Percy smiled again, somehow he couldn't stop smiling around her. She was so funny and smart and beautful. Seriously beautiful.

"That's good to hear. I hope you don't turn me into a jackelope. I prefer to be like this, thankyou". Artemis smiled at him. At the sight of her smile, his heart skipped a few beats. She was absolutely captivating when she smiled. "Ok, shall we go to my tent to discuss al these matters on hand"? "Which matters"? Percy asked.

Artemis raised one eyebrow at him. "You know, terrible monster out to eat humans, steal their souls and overthrow the gods. Maybe even destroying the world. That matters" . Percy blushed.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was distracted for a moment". Artemis laughed. "I could see that" She shook her head. "You have a low concentration span, don't you"? Percy sighed. "Yes, I do get easily distracted. But not when I'm figthing, so". He shrugged. Artemis nodded.

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