Time To Kiss And Tell

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Percy awoke. He was still really tired, so he decided to lay down for another moment or so. A second after he had closed his eyes, he heard voices. They were coming closer.

"I was just saying, I don't think you can shoot better than me. After all, lady Artemis herself said I was the best shooter"

Percy heard a voice, obviously a girl, say. "Oh please Gwendolyn, do you really believe that? She just said it because she felt sorry for you. Obviously, I'm the best".

"I don't like to be called Gwendolyn! And you know that!" Gwendolyn ( Gwen) replied, sounding annoyed and mad. "Calm down already, Gwen. Jesus, it's just a name you know". "Oh really? And how would you react if I started calling you Aikaterina? Would you like that"?

The girl, whose name apparently was Aikaki.. Aikati.. Ai something, groaned. "Don't even think about it. It is way too long, you know that. Besides, everyone calls me Kat, you know that".

Gwen giggled. "What"? Kat asked, sounding majorly confused. Gwen giggled again. "That rhymes! Kat, that. Kat, that. Kat-" 'I get it already! Oh god, can you one day be normal. Serious Gwen, stop being so annoying"!

"I am not annoying" Gwen protested. "I'm not annoying at all. In fact-"She was interrupted by the voice of another girl. "Can you two stop the bickering already? We are here for a purpose, and that purpose isn't having a discussion about who is the best shooter. Which is Gwen, by the way".

"Told you" Percy heard her whisper. They must be really close if I can hear their whispering Percy thought. He wanted to look, but didn't think that would be a good idea. So he just hold his eyes shut and listened to the conversation.

" I still don't believe that. But you're right Andromeda, we aren't here to fight" Kat said. Apparently, Andromeda was the only one who didn't have a nickname instead of her name.

Percy heard them coming closer, he tried to remain as still as possible. "Exactly Kat. We are here because I'm worried about lady Artemis. She has been acting.. different lately. In a really weird way". Andromeda said.

"You still haven't told us what is so different about lady Artemis" Gwen sighed. " You really haven't noticed? She has been very tense and she suddenly told us we had to go here. That there was a danger here and we would solve a problem for her father. Anyway, all she has told us is very, very vague. I want more information" Andromeda said.

"I get that and- " Kat started, but she fell suddenly silent. Percy knew they had to be really close; they must be standing a few meters before him. "What is that boy doing in lady Artemis' bed"? Kat asked, making the word boy sound like venom.

"I don't know, but I do know I'm going to personally kill him". Shit Percy thought. They don't sound really kind and calm. "Wait" Gwen said. "Gwen, what is it this time? Don't you see there is an emergency? There is a boy in Artemis' bed. A boy!"

"That is what I mean. Lady Artemis would never allow a boy in her bed. If she didn't want it, she would have killed him or something" Gwen said. "You have to admit Mea, he wouldn't be in Artemis' bed if she didn't want to" Kat said, sounding confused by now. Although she sounded mad, too. Probably at Percy for lying in bed with an eternal maiden.

"Why would she want that? Besides, he could have slipped into her bed". Andromeda said. "I don't think so. She sleeps really light. Remember that time we tried to put her hand in a glass of water as a joke? She woke up immediately, shooting an arrow at us. Lucky for us, she wasn't really mad because it had been her idea to hold a 'prank 'week" Kat said.

Hm, that's interesting Percy thought. I have to ask Artemis about it later. " Maybe this is the reason she has been acting weird"? Gwen said. "What do you mean"? Kat asked. "You don't mean you think she is in love with that excuse of a human being"? Andromeda said, her voice sounding really cool and sharp.

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