Aphrodite Again

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Percy opened his eyes. He saw he was in Artemis' tent. He knew , becuase it wasn't his tent. And it was really big. He looked around, curious to know more about her.

He saw arrows and various bows, of course. He also saw other weapons, like a sword. Which wasn't that suprising either.

Percy grinned and looked at the rest. Next to the weapons, was a table of food and drink. He saw godly food, like ambrosia and nectar, but also mortal food. There was cola, chocolate, chips, more chocolate, chocolate milk, cookies, chocolate cookies, more chocolate... Jeez Percy thought. She really likes chocolate. He chuckled.

His gaze left the table and he saw a tv. A big tv, really modern. Magically flooting in the air.

Percy just raised his eyebrows and looked at the rest of th room. There was also a desk, with a few books on it and an empty cup of chocolate milk, a coatch, which looked really comfortable with beautiful pillows in the form of a deer, a few carpets, a fireplace.. Wow, this place is awesome Percy thought.

Apart from the ' normal' stuff, there were also a few things Percy didn't recognize. Some looked really old, like the armour and weapons in the cornor. He didn't recognize the weapons; he only saw few similarities to newer weapons. One of them looked like an enormous spear.

The weapons weren't the only 'special' things Percy noticed. There were also machines he didn't know; they looked really modern, futuristic even. Probably made by Hephaestus Percy thought. He frowned. Why would Artemis need those? He decided to ask her later.

Suprisingly, Percy also saw an radio and an computer. Percy smiled. He could imagine sing here, after he had hear her sing. She really had the voice of an angel.

Percy looked around; suddenly he saw a closet. He smiled, not expecting to see a closet. But what was next to the closet, suprised him even more; it was an enormous bed. Really, really big. It was green and brown and , apart from being big, really beautiful.

Percy turned to Artemis, who still had her arms around him and smiled. While he had been examining her tent, she had just been looking at his reactions. "And? Like it"? she whispered in his ear, making him shiver. "Yes, I like it very much" he said, his voice sounding somehow harsh. She smiled, a little misschivious smile. "Oh really? Why are you're shivering? Are you cold"?

Before Percy could say anything, she continued. She raise one eybrow at him and pushed her body against his, teasing him. "Do I need to warm you"? she whispering, still smiling. Percy swallowed. "I-I, I mean.."

He gave up, knowing he couldn't talk anyway. "Because.. "Artemis continued. "I can by.. TICKLING YOU!"

She suddenly jumped on him, tickling him until he was screaming for her to stop. When she finally stopped, he was panting and his face was redder than a tomato. He saw Artemis was pating, too. Her hair was a mess; it held a slight similarity to a bird's nest, but her eyes were sparkling.

Percy laughed and brushed one of her hairs behind her ear. "What was that? It was fun, but I don't understand". Artemis laughed, still panting. "I said I would warm you uo, didn't I? I meant by tickling, not by what you was obviously thinking". She shivered at the last part, but Percy saw a quick flash of desire in her eyes. He decided to ignore it, knowing she wouldn't just accept him.

Besides, it's probably just Aphrodite Percy thought, grinning when he thought back at their joke. No sweetheart, it's not just my. he suddenly hear in his head. He grunted. "Shut up Aphrodite" he said.

Artemis eyes went wide; she looked suddenly angry. Really angry. Percy once again was really glad she didn't consider him an enemy, but a friend. She clenched her fists, scanning the room. "Oh, calm down Arty. I'm not here in physical form. I just want to speak to the two of you". Aphrodite was now heard by both of them. " DON'T CALL ME ARTY! AND HOW DARE YOU APHRODITE? WHAT DID YOU THINK? TOYING WITH MY FEELINGS LIKE THIS! COME OUT, YOU MORON SO I CAN KILL YOU"!

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