Talk With Aphrodite

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Hey everyone. Here I am with chapter 8;D. Hope y'all appreciate my effort. Otherways I will send a sigbin to suck your blood!( nah, can't really force you to like my story, just hope you do). So, don't own Percy Jackson & Olypians. Enjoy!

Percy sat in the airplane. He was really nervous, clenching his chair. He expected the plane to crash every moment. He knew Zeus had given him permission to fly, but what if he changed his mind? Percy would helpless, floating kilometres above the ground. He tried to calm down. Zeus needs me, he won't let the plane crash Percy thought. He repeated the words in his mind until he calmed down a little.

Percy left the airport about an hour ago. He had been able to get ont he plane shortly after Argus had dropped him at the airport. Before he went on the plane, he had bought a book about the Philippines.

Now, he reached into his backpack and took the book out. He had nothing to do anyway. He might not really be able to read it, but he could try. Weird enough, the letters didn't seem the dance of the pages as normally. Percy frowned. How is that possible? He thought. Are the gods helping me or something? He shrugged and started to read. There wasn't much in the book that could be valuable. Just the number of inhabitant, location, a little history. Nothing about the sigbin or past accidents. Percy sighed; he hadn't expected it too be easy, but still one could hope, right?

He closed the book and put it back in his pocket. He decided to try to sleep. He closed his eyes and drifted away.

Percy was standing with his feet in the sand. He was on an abondoned beach. He recognized the location; it was on Siquijorn , the same place he was going to. . The sun was shining and it must be at least 25 degrees. He looked around. The beach was empty expect for.. a few really big tents.

He frowned; why would anyone set up his/her tent on an abondoned beach? He walked towards the tents. When he came closer, his eyes widened. Suddenly , he knew who were staying here. But how do they know this place? Percy thought.

I recognize this beach, it was abandoned after some people disappeared here. People abandoned the beach after the first ' accidents' . Weird enough, all victims were men. It had all been on the news a couple of years ago. The police never found anything, nor the victims nor the perpertrators. Since the police had been helpless, no one dared to return her. Still, there were clearly people now.

And Percy knew why they didn't fear this place. How could you fear something when you had a goddess with you to protect you?

Percy heard voices coming from one of the tents and walked towards the sound. He heard two people talking. One of the voices, he knew all too well. It belonged to the person who had possessed his thoughts the past days. He couldn't stop thinking about way she laughed, even though she laughed about his stupidity. But what he really couldn't forget, was that moment their lips had been so close. So close and for a moment, he had thought they would kiss. But then , Chiron had entered the room and the moment had been over. With the image of her lips in his head, he walked towards the voices.

One of them, which he already knew, belonged to Artemis. The other voice belonged to a girl around twelve with dark, long hair. She was dressed like the average hunter, with bow. She looked really annoyed. "But lady Artemis" the girl said. " Why are we staying here? We have no business here. Unless you know something we dont".

Artemis sighed. She looked like a year of fourteen, which is older than normally. "I have already explained Aileen, we just need to be here. Trust me. Besides, what makes you want to leave"? Artemis raised her eyebrows at Aileen. Aileen hesitated, then straightened her back and looked Artemis in her eyes. "We think it would be more.. useful to be somewhere else. Why do we need to be here? It's just a stupid beach" .

Percy Jackson to the rescueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें