Weird Dreams,Again

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Percy was looking at the sky, at the constellations. He especially like the newest, the hunter.

Before she became an constellation, she was one of his friends ( weird, don't you think). It was Zoe nightshade, one of Artemis' hunters. when they first met, she had hated him as much as other boys.

But when they both went on the same quest, she started to like him. As a friend, of course. And then she died. Artemis had placed her in the sky as reward for her courage.

Percy smiled. Her life is easier than mine he thought. He was laying in his sleeping bag, while looking at the hunter.

He sighed. when Artemis had told him the news, they had started talking. And talking. But not about them or anything; no, about the monster. They had to find and kill it in a week. If not, the world as we know it would end. Ragnarok. Or Holocaust. Or Armegeddon. There are enough names for it.

And if he wanted to avoid all that, he had to stop a monster with the strength of an elephant ( or something even worse), speed like a rocket and hypnotizing powers. Easy, right. Percy sighed. And he had to stop this monster with the help of a boy-hating goddess which he was in love with. Oh and maybe she loved him too. But they couldn't talk about that, because they had to focus on the new disaster.

Yeah, her life is definitely easy compared to mine Percy thought, looking at his former friend. At least she don't have to hunt monsters with the most beautiful, complicated woman of all time.

Serious, how on earth am I going to make that work? Everytime I look at Artemis, I forget everything around me. I want to kiss and hold her. I forget all danger and I can't focus on anything but her.

Percy sighed again; this wouldn't just be difficult, it would be extremely difficult. Maybe even impossible. But he couldn't let his friends die. Why do I always have to save the world was his last thought before he fell asleep and everything became dark.

Percy stood in an cave, although he didn't know how he knew since everything was dark. He started walking, going deeper into the cave.

When he looked around, he noticed a bright light and ran towards it. There were a few people sitting around a campfire, talking. They were laughing and roasting marsmallows.

Percy didn't know why, but he felt nervous. He had the idea there was something dangerous near by. Seconds later, his gut feeling was proved correct. All people could hear something growling. And someone yelling.

"AU! NOOOO. PLEASE, NO. I-" After that, silence. The campers looked at each other. One of them , a pretty girl with red hair and green eyes, said something to the girl next to her. They were all around seventeen. Two girls and three boys.

Percy could see their fear and discomfort and wanted to help. Guide them to the exit, because he knew the other person was lost. "Was that Rachel"? the girl with red hair said. Her friend, who had blond hair and blue eyes, shook her head. She looked really scared.

"I don't know. It could be. She wanted to walk a little further. But why was she screaming and what was that sound"? The other girl just sat there, looking scared.

" Calm down girls. It's probably just a joke" one of the boys, with brown hair and eyes, said. The other boy nodded. "You're right, Antonio. It's probably just a joke". "But Rachel doesn't like jokes" the girl with the blond hair said. The other girl nodded. " Kylie is right. Something is wrong. We should go and see what happened. Maybe she had an accident and needs our help".

One of the other boys, with blond hair and green eyes, sighed. "Fine, I will look. But if it was just a joke, I will be seriously pissed". The other boy, with black hair and blue eyes, smiled. "Just be cautious J-D. Maybe there is a dangerous cave monster".

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