The Quest

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Hey, here I am. Once again. Hope y'all like it. Oh, and in the chapter 6 or something, Percy will probably see Artemis again. Just so you know. Anyway, here is chapter 5 of my story. Enjoy Ps; I do not own Percy Jackson & the Olympians. I only own what comes from my imagination….

Percy was walking back to his cabin. He was thinking about the coming danger. What would happen now? Percy thought. Is that shadow monster going to pay us a visit too? Or will it go after something else? Percy kept walking, muttering to himself. What if it does come here? Could I protect my friends? Or would I be helpless, forced to watch them die, like it happened in my dream. What if..

"HEY! PERCY" Percy screamed and turned around, already uncapping riptide. Where a moment ago had been a tree, stood a girl now. "Juniper, what are you doing here"? Percy slighted relaxed now he saw it was just Juniper. He still had riptide in his hands. He realized he must look a little crazy , because she was staring at him. Looking really worried.

"You really can't stop screaming like a little girl today, can you? Serious, what's your problem, I'm just a nymph, you know. I'm not a scary monster who is going to eat you or anything". She rolled her eyes, smiling. Although she still looked slightly worried.

That wasn't surprising, since normally Percy didn't jump at every little sound. "Why are you so scared, little girl"? Juniper asked with a big smile . She clearly loved teasing him. Percy tried to smile too, but he had too much to worry about to smile.

Oh nothing" He sighed. "I'm just a little nervous, I think". "Nervous? For what? Juniper asked, frowning. Her eyes widened when she understood. "This has something to do with your dream, doesn't it? You talked to Chiron and it's something bad. Oh gods, what is it"? Juniper looked really scared now, since she knew demi-gos dreams. They always meant trouble, big trouble.

Percy groaned. Great he thought. Now I'm in trouble. What can I tell her. I can't tell her boyfriend, aka my best friend, might get eaten by a unknown monster. A monster that rips his victims apart, devours them, while their friends can't do anything about it. Heck, maybe even the gods can do nothing to help!

"It's nothing. And you apparently can't stop scaring me to death today, can you"? He said, trying to distract her. He raised his eyebrows at her, trying to ignore her questions. Lucky for him, Juniper forgot he had to answer her questions. She was too busy defending herself.

"That's not true! I wasn't trying to scare you at all. I wanted to talk to you. You are suddenly so tensed. I didn't do anything; I just said hi and you suddenly went all fighting mode or something" "Fighting mode"? Percy asked, obviously amused. Juniper blushed.

"Yeah well, you tried to behead me". "What? I didn't try to behead you, where do you get the idea"? Juniper stepped forward and knocked on his head. "Helloooo! Anybody home there? You swung your sword at me!" "I didn't mean to"! he yelled. Juniper looked at him, a little scared.

She took a step back. "Ok, calm down. I didn't mean to insult you or anything". "I know you didn't" Percy sighed. "Great, can you put the sword away, please? You know, before you actually behead me" Percy looked down at his hands. He was still holding riptide, more like gripping it. He put the sword away and turned his gaze to Juniper.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to swing my sword at you. Are you allright? I didn't scare you, did I"? Juniper looked relieved now he wasn't pointed a sword at her. "Yes, you did but it doesn't matter. I understand you are tensed and it was a reflex" She smiled at him, trying to calm him.

"Anyway, what is going on? What did Chiron say"? Percy hesitated; what should he say? Should he lie or was telling the truth better, even if it hurt? But Artemis had asked him to keep it all secret.. And if Juniper knew, she would just get scared. He decided to tell a part of his dream and not tell her about Artemis.

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