Chapter 8 ~ Chozen

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As the trio made their way back to Yukie's house, Marie watched Chozen weighing fruits and vegetables in exchange for money. "Does that guy's uncle own everything?" Daniel asked.

"Almost everything." Mr Miyagi corrected.

"Hey! There's Miyagi the coward." Chozen called as the three neared Yukie's. "And his baby! Maybe girl realize boyfriend big baby and find real man." Chozen taunted, guestering to himself. Marie scoffed, rolling her eyes as she walked up the steps.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Daniel asked Mr Miyagi, clearly annoyed.

"Why should it?" Mr Miyagi asked.

"People might believe it's true." Daniel reasoned.

"Daniel-san, lie become truth only if person want to believe it." Mr Miyagi spoke.

"Is that another old Okinawan saying?" Marie asked, standing with crossed arms.

"No. New Okinawan saying." Mr Miyagi corrected.

"How new?" Marie asked again.

"About ten seconds." Mr Miyagi walked off, leaving Marie and Daniel in the yard.

A sudden crash behind the pair made Marie jump before walking back to the front of Yukie's house, spotting a man who's cart had fallen over, causing his vegetables to be scattered over the ground.

"Whoa, are you alright?" Marie asked as she moved to help.

"Here, I've got it." Daniel spoke, kneeling besides the man as well. The three began to gather the carrots back into the basket, which didn't take long. As Marie held the basket, Daniel and the man righted the cart, allowing Marie to set the basket of carrots on the car. Daniel took the cart and began pushing it over to Chozen and his gang to be weighed, which severally annoyed Marie.

"Your little teacher should get hearing aid." Chozen taunted, only to be ignored by Daniel. "Maybe you need one, too." Chozen's gaze then moved over to Marie, who was hoisting the basket of carrots onto the table. "What about you, sweetheart. You need hearing aid?"

Marie looked up at Chozen with a glare. "I only hear what's worth listening to." She replied.

Daniel grab the basket of carrots and practically slammed it down onto the scale, causing everything to mess up. "Look out! We're working here." One of the goons shouted.

Daniel ignored him as he bent down to pick up the weight, a confused look on his face making Anja raise an eyebrow. "Hold that." Marie took the weight from Daniel's hand, immediately noticing the lack of weight.

"What the-" Marie put a slight bit of pressure on the weight, causing it to snap in half in her hands. The market around them immediately erupted into chaos, many people shouting at Chozen and his goons in anger. "So, you cheat people! Shame! You cheat! You cheat!"

Chozen tried shouting at Marie and Daniel as they walked away. "We'll talk sometime when you're not so busy." Daniel taunted, making Marie shake her head..

"We might be in trouble."

~ ~ ~ ~

There was a slight breeze as Marie left Yukie's house again, the lights from the village lighting the streets so she could see. Marie could see Daniel on a bridge, practicing the drum technique again.

Marie was curious by Daniel's fascination with the drum technique, and while she understood the drum technique was incredibly useful, Marie didn't understand how Daniel had become so hyper-focused on it.

"Still working on that technique, huh?" Marie asked as she finally walked onto the bridge, leaning against a pillar.

"What? Oh, yeah." Daniel said with a chuckle as he looked at Marie, a smile on his face.

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