Chapter 3 ~Yukie's letter

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The two moved like that for what had to be an hour, before Daniel disappeared inside suddenly. Shortly after, Mr Miyagi appeared outside to observe the woodwork. "Very good work, Daniel-san!" Mr Miyagi called with a nod.

"Yeah. I'll be right there." Daniel called from inside. Mr Miyagi looked at Marie, who shrugged in response. Before either could speak, Daniel emerged from inside, holding something behind him.

"How feel?" Mr Miyagi asked, staying beside Marie.

"Much better, thanks." Daniel followed Mr Miyagi as he moved into the house, revealing to Marie what he was holding behind his back, a wooden box. "What am I building out there, any way?" Daniel asked as Mr Miyagi walked back outside.

"Guest room." Mr Miyagi replied, holding a tray of iced tea.

"Are you expecting company?" Marie asked, confused.

"Refugee." Mr Miyagi said, setting down the tray.

"Refugee? Oh, yeah? That's great. From where?" Daniel asked.

"Fresno." Mr Miyagi said, nodding.

"Fresno?" Both Marie and Daniel were confused as Marie raised an eyebrow.

"Miyagi talk to mother last night too." Mr Miyagi began.

"And she said I could stay here?" There was a clear excitement in Daniel's voice, making Marie smile a bit.


"I don't have to go to Fresno?" Daniel added with a wider smile.

"If no want."

"Oh, man, you saved my life! Thanks!" Daniel jumped around, still keeping the box behind his back. "Mr. Miyagi, thanks."

"Welcome." Mr Miyagi said with a bow. "Oy, iced tea." Marie took a glass, holding it in her hand.

"Oh, yeah. Wait. Look." Daniel revealed the box, which was beautiful rosewood. Inside the box, was the metals Mr Miyagi had received from the war. Including the Medal of Honor. "I made this for you. It's rosewood.I thought it'd be nice to show 'em off."

"Daniel-san, thank you for gift...but why show off?" Marie looked over at Mr Miyagi, confused.

"It says something about you, receiving the Medal of Honor, Mr Miyagi." Marie replied, furrowing her eyebrows with a small smile.

"It says you're brave. I thought it'd be neat." Daniel added.

"This say you brave." Mr Miyagi pointed from his chest to the medal. "This say you lucky."

"Oh, Mr. Miyagi live here?" Marie's gaze moved up from the medal to the mailman standing in the doorway of the guest room.

"Excuse me?" Marie asked.

"Miyagi." The mailman repeated.

"Excuse me?"

"Mr. Miyagi. Registered letter for you, sir, from Okinawa." Marie's eyes widened as she looked the mailman. Okinawa?

"Okinawa?" Mr Miyagi asked, extending a hand from the letter.

"Yes, sir. Would you sign here, please?" Mr Miyagi took the letter and signed, holding the letter as he walked away from the mailman.

"This is some place you have here." The mailman was ignored by everyone as Daniel and Marie watched Mr Miyagi. "From the outside yard, you'd never know it." Ignored again. "You should charge admission."

Marie was beginning to get annoyed, but she took a deep breath. "My missus loves this stuff. You mind if l bring her by sometime to see it?"

Marie looked over at the man, flashing another fake smile. "Maybe some other time." She replied.

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