Chapter 1 ~ The End of Cobra Kai

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There was an easy smile in Marie's face. She had no reason to be uneasy as she waited outside of the men's locker room for Daniel and Mr Miyagi. People were filtering in and out, the conversations bouncing off the walls giving Marie a slight headache.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" The smile in Marie's face only grew as Daniel and Mr Miyagi finally left the locker room.

"Yeah. I'm starving." She replied as Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He was still limping, but he seemed a lot better than he had been earlier. "Your mom's waiting for us."

It took the three awhile to make it through the crowded tournament hall, no thanks to the fact that Daniel was stopped every five seconds. Marie took a deep breath as they finally walked outside, the fresh air helping her slight headache from the crowded room.

"LaRusso, very impressive win. You showed a lot of poise." Marie looked behind her as two men walked up to the group. Daniel's face immediately lit up at the compliment.

"People are gonna be talking about that last kick for years. Congratulations." A commotion in the crowd behind them tore Marie's attention away from Daniel's response.

She could see John Kreese pushing his way through the crowd, getting more and more aggressive before grabbing a man by the collar of his jacket. Marie's expression shifted from unimpressed to annoyance. Shrugging Daniel's arm off her shoulder, she moved away from the group and into the crowd, standing in front of Kreese.

His attention moved from the man he was holding by the collar and over to Marie. "Put him down." Her tone was frighteningly calm as she stared up at Kreese. He glared down at her, but obliged, dropping the man.

Marie stepped out of the way as he walked past, wearing a smug expression as she watched Kreese. He pushed past the men Daniel and Mr Miyagi were talking to before turning to face the three of them. His stare shifted between the three before walking off, a weird sense of victory swelling through Marie.

"Why does he act like that?" Daniel asked as Kreese walked away.

"That guy just doesn't know what karate's all about." Marie bit the inside of her cheek, keeping herself from correcting the man.

"Well, maybe he should learn." Daniel challenged.

"Would you like to teach him?" One of the men asked with a chuckle.

"No." Daniel replied with a laugh.

"What about you?" Marie shook her head with a smile as the man shifted his attention to her. "Good luck, Daniel." Daniel gave the man a smile as he walked off.

"Oy, keep mother waiting." Mr Miyagi said, finally stepping off the sidewalk. Marie was relieved that they were finally leaving, hungry and tired.

"Wait, wait!" The trio was stopped once again as two boys ran over to them, pen and paper in hand. "Could we have your autograph?" The boy asked, excited.

"Yeah, man!" Daniel replied, excited as well. "So, how you guys doin'?"

"Great!" The pair exclaimed, making Marie smile slightly.

"Oh, yeah? Where are you from?" Daniel asked, keeping conversation.

"Reseda." Marie smiled wider as Daniel's smile widened.

"You're from Res--" Daniel paused. "We're from Reseda. I moved there a couple months ago." Daniel commented.

"Maybe we'll see you sometime." The boys said before running off.

"Daniel-san." Marie looked over at Mr Miyagi as Daniel stood at full height. "Come. Getting late."

"It's the price of fame. Gotta get used to it." Marie shook her with a slight smile as she walked to the car. Shouting caught her attention once again, causing her to stop by the hood of the car.

"That's not fair. I got second place." Johnny shouted. Marie watched carefully, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Second place is no place! You're off the team!" Kreese shouted back.

"I did my best." Johnny objected, clutching his trophy in hand.

"What did you say?" Kreese asked.

"I did my best!" Johnny repeated, louder.

"You're nothing'! You're a loser!" Kreese spat, making Marie narrow her eyebrows. This situation could only go one way at this point.

"No, you're the loser." Johnny snapped.

"I'm the loser, huh?" Kreese snatched the trophy from Johnny's hands and snapped it over his knee, throwing it aside. Marie took a slight step forward, still hesitant to intervene. "Now who's the loser?"

"You're really sick, man." Kreese was silent before quickly grabbing Johnny and locking him into a chokehold, making Marie's eyes widen.

She walked over as fast as she could as Kreese kicked Bobby away. "Let him go." Marie spat as she finally made it over. Kreese didn't crack as Johnny struggled in his grasp. "Let him go."

Her voice held more anger as she repeated her demand. "You're hurting him. He's sorry. He really is." Butch tried reasoning. "She's right."

"She said, let him go!" Mr Miyagi stood behind Marie as she continued glaring up at Kreese.

"Beat it, slope, or you're next." Kreese spat. Marie took a step back before Mr Miyagi spun Kreese around, allowing him to loosen his grip on Johnny.

Johnny held his throat as he sat on the ground, coughing. "Are you alright, Johnny?" He nodded in response, before the sound of glass shattering made Marie jump. She turned quickly, spotting Kreese staring at one of his knuckles, covered in blood.

Kreese looked up at Mr Miyagi, who was standing calmly in front of another car window. In a blind anger, Kreese shot his opposite fist towards Mr Miyagi, who moved out of the way in time for Kresse's hand to shatter the window. Marie's eyes widened as Mr Miyagi forced Kreese to his knees, lining the side of his hand up to his face.

"Mercy is for the weak." Marie watched, horrified as Mr Miyagi brought his hand back. "We do not train to be merciful here. A man face you, he is enemy." Kreese's eyes widened as well. The area was silent except for Mr Miyagi's monologue. Enemy deserve no mercy."

As Mr Miyagi brought his hand towards Kreese, Marie let out an involuntary gasp before Mr Miyagi stopped his hand.

"Meep." Marie let out a slight breath of relief as Mr Miyagi squeezed Kreese's nose, letting him go.

"Daniel-san, Marie-san, mother not wait forever." Marie followed behind Mr Miyagi, walking back towards the car.

"You could've killed him, couldn't you?" Marie asked, raising an eyebrow as Daniel caught up.


"Why didn't you then?" Daniel asked.

"Because, Daniel-san, for person with no forgiveness in heart... Iiving even worse punishment than death." Marie bit her lip as they made it to the car.

She cast a slight look back over to where Cobra Kai was left by their car, practically in shambles. With a sigh, she climbed into the car after Daniel without one more glance.

~ ~ ~ ~
So, I have no idea how the first book absolutely blew up after it was finished, but it did! It got 2k reads and 56 votes, which is absolutely astounding!! I really appreciate it, and I hope I get the same support with this book! Enjoy!

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