Chapter 4 ~ Airports and Airplanes

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Could this night get any worse? For Marie, the answer was yes. As Marie walked inside her apartment, the only thing she heard was quiet chatter, making her roll her eyes.

"Great." She muttered, slipping off her sneakers. Marie dropped them by the door before peaking into the living room, spotting Mr Harris and her mother.

Sighing, Marie walked as quietly as possible to her room, but it was no use. The floorboard underneath her creaked the second she stood on it, making her cringe. "Oh, hey Marie. I didn't hear you come in." Marie threw on another fake smile, which was beginning to get exhausting, and turned around. "That was the point." Marie thought to herself.

"Oh, I thought you had." Marie replied. "I'll let you go back to whatever, I'll be in my room." Marie tried escaping again, but was stopped. Again.

"Well, hold on. Where'd you go?"

"I went to Mr Miyagi's. He's leaving tomorrow for Okinawa." Marie replied, inching closer to her room. "I'll be in here, bye."

Marie jumped into her room, closing the door quickly behind her. With a sigh, Marie flopped onto her bed, resting her head on her pillow. Tomorrow, she'll be all alone, stuck in Reseda with no friends left. Great.

Marie didn't know how long she had been laying on her bed, but a sudden knock made her sit up. "Come in."

The door opened with a creak, revealing Marie's mother. "It's just me." Marie crossed her hands in her lap as her mother walked in, holding something behind her back. "Can I sit?"

Marie nodded, watching her mother as she moved to the chair at her desk. "What's up?"

"Well, I know you've been a little different since you broke things off with Daniel, and I think I have something to cheer you up." Marie would admit her mother was right. She'd been different since Daniel had gotten together with Ali, but she pretended she was fine.

Guess she hadn't acted enough.

"My birthday isn't for another month." Marie stated, rested her ankle on her knee.

"I know, I know, just close your eyes." Hesitant, Marie closed her eyes, holding out a hand. A few seconds passed before a slip of paper made her open her eyes, spotting a plane ticket.

"A plane ticket?" Marie asked, furrowing her eyebrows together.

"I talked to Mr Miyagi, and he agreed that you should come with him to Okinawa." Her mom explained.

"Plane tickets are really expensive." Marie replied. "How did you afford this?"

Marie was concerned that her mother wouldn't be able to pay the bills or buy food because of the plane ticket, but her mother just smiled. "Andrew offered to pay for the ticket." She explained.


"He wants you to be happy, and he wants you to like him. I know this hasn't been easy for you, but getting to know him wouldn't be that bad, would it?" Marie paused, looking at the ticket in her hand.

"Tell him thank you. I...I really appreciate it." Marie spoke with a smile, a real smile. Anne nodded in response, a smile on her face.

"I will. Now, get pack and go to bed. You'll have a long day tomorrow." As Anne stood, she placed a kiss on Marie's head before moving to the door. "Goodnight, Marie."

"Goodnight, Mom."
~ ~ ~ ~

Marie's ticket was held tightly in her hand as she left her car in Mr Miyagi's yard, parking it out of the way and leaving the keys inside. It was around 3:50, so Marie wasn't worried about being too early.

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