Chapter 7

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Jack's Pov:

"Rose, can I ask you something," she looks at me a little questioningly, but nods.

"Do you want to have children?"

"Yes, of course I do Jack, do you?" I smile at her before continuing.

"Before I met you no, because well you know why. It was always just me and I never really cared for love and a family. But with you, I do want to have kids and get married." Rose leans up and pecks my cheek.

"A boy and a girl maybe, I think 2 right," she bites her lips and looks at me.

"Ya, one of each, but if we get 2 girls or 2 boys-," Rose immediately interrupts me.

"That's in the future though, we have to get married first, right," I asked her.

"Well, um Jack we already did... make love, but yes I would like to get married first." Her cheeks turn slightly pink as she says the beginning of the sentence out.

"So, you might be pregnant," I look at her. We have stopped walking now, and we are sitting together on a little bench.

"Yes, I might be. Usually girls don't get pregnant after their first time, and I know my mom had fertility issues with me so it's unlikely, but I have to watch for symptoms and such, but so far nothing." I nod as she tells me the possible symptoms.

"We'll just wait and see I guess, but I wouldn't mind a little mini Rose running around everywhere," I look up and smile at her.

"Oh yeah, another stubborn, crazy girl?"

"Yup, but very beautiful just like her mommy," I pull her in for a kiss, one that quickly gets passionate. I break the kiss and give her another peck.

Rose's Pov:

It's been a few hours of us wandering around the ship just being with each other. It's the last night on the ship, so we want to get some rest before we dock in America tomorrow afternoon. After a light dinner, Jack and I walk back to our room and he immediately plops down onto the bed.

I go in front of the mirror and brush my hair. I start to take off the dress I'm wearing to change into a nightgown, but I can reach the back.

"Jack, can you come here, I need help." I hear him get off the bed and walk over to me.

"I can reach for this dress, can you help," He nods his head and unwraps the bow and unbuttons down my back. He goes slow, too slow for my liking and as he moved further down my back he grazed his finger over my back sending chills down my body. After he finishes unbuttoning me, he starts placing light kisses down my neck.

"Jack, stop it, I have to get ready for bed."

"You are ready," He smirks at me while looking at my half open dress. I roll my eyes and take off my dress. I hang it up, and put on the simple white nightgown and walk with Jack to our bed. 

That's it for this chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading. Make sure to comment below any suggestions you have for me.


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