Epilogue 2

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Rose's Pov:

"Are you excited to be a big sister Dahlia," I whisper to the baby in my arms. She is almost 2 years old and getting bigger and bigger each day.

Jack and I decided we wanted to wait a little bit before trying for another kid, but I guess my second pregnancy is a surprise as well.

I finished buttoning up Dahlia's little dress before taking her into my arms and heading out of the house. I walk to the little baby store nearby and walk to the counter.

"Hi, how are you," The lady behind the counter asks me.

"I'm good, how are you," I say to her with a smile.

"I'm good thank you! Is there something I can help you with," She asks me.

I rock Dahlia around in my arms slightly when I see her start to get restless already.

"Yes actually. I am looking for a little baby onesie or even just a shirt that says big sister on it," I question her.

"Oh yes, Congratulations by the way. We have those in the back over here," She points to the right of where we are standing and I thank her.

"Do you like this Dahlia, you want to wear it to surprise daddy," I whisper to Dahlia who starts giggling when I poke her cheek lightly. She starts getting excited and I kiss her chubby cheek and grab the shirt off the little hanger.

Jack's Pov:

"I'm home," I shout into the house when I hear silence as soon as I walk in. I hear shuffling before Rose walks over to me with Dahlia in her hands.

"Hi love," I say to Rose, pecking her lips and taking Dahlia out of her hands.

"Go shower, I have something I want to show you," Rose immediately pushes me towards our room. I raise my eyebrow at her giddiness, but don't question it so I quickly hand Rose back to her and go shower.

When I come outside I see Rose in the kitchen and Dahlia playing on the floor.

"Hi love, you want to go help mommy," I asked her. She just claps her hands and giggles while making gurgling noises.

I walk into the kitchen and Rose immediately turns around and smiles.

Rose's Pov:

Jack doesn't notice Dahlia's shirt when he picks her up like I thought he would.

"Didn't you say you wanted to show me something," He asks me, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I bite down my lip, and dart my eyes towards Dahlia. He looks confused for a second before I lift her up a little bit and sees her shirt.

"Rose," He whispers to me, his eyes wide.

I just nod at him, throwing myself into his arms.

"I love you," He mumbles to me against my lips. I am careful not to squish Dahlia and I wrap my arms around him.

"Are you ready to be a big sister," I say to Dahlia while squeezing her cheeks. She just claps along with us, excited to be around the celebration. Jack puts his hand on my stomach and rests his forehead on mine.

"I can't wait," I say to him with a smile.

I can't believe how far we've come from the Titanic, to having Dahlia, to getting married, to settling in our dream careers, and now adding another baby Dawson into our family.

"I hope it's a boy this time, a mini Jack," I say to him with a smile. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. Dahlia starts squealing in his hands when he kisses my cheek.

I shake my head and laugh at her as Jack tries to make her smile again.

This may have not been where I thought I was going to end up, but I wouldn't change it for the world. 

The End! 

Wow! I can't believe I finished my second story. This may not be the way I wanted to end it, but I think it's the right thing for me right now. Thank you all so much for the love and support you have given me.

- Ag :) 

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