Chapter 14

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Rose's Pov:

I get home and change into more comfortable clothes and sit on the couch with the papers from the doctor. I know this is a risk for me to carry the baby, but I know I can do it.

I clean around the house for a few hours and then take a quick nap before Jack gets off from work and comes home.

Jack's Pov:

I groan as I enter the apartment. Finally that day is over, customers are so tiring to be around for hours on end. I look around and don't see Rose anywhere but see her bag.

I go into our bedroom to shower and see her sleeping on the couch. She has a bunch of papers in her hand so I place them on the nightstand and kiss her forehead. I quietly get into the shower and let the tensions of the day slowly get off my shoulders.

Once I dry myself off and put on a pair of soft pants and an old shirt, I walk by the bed and see Rose slowly starting to wake up and yawning.

"Morning beautiful," I kiss her cheek and she starts to push the blankets off her body.

She gets off the bed and goes into the bathroom to wash her face. I feel like something is off about her, she usually doesn't nap this late or nap at all.

I lay down on the couch while waiting for her to come out. She comes out of the bedroom and is hiding something behind her back.

"Rose, what is that?"

"A surprise for you, so close your eyes."

Rose's Pov:

I lightly place the papers on the table in front of the couch and put the tiny baby grow in Jack's hands. It's not much, but it says, "Mommy and Daddy's blessing" in black letters.

"Ok open," I bite my lip as Jack slowly opens his eyes and looks down at the baby grow in his hands. 

Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for the short chapter, but I'll try to update one more time this week. I hope you like this story so far, make sure to comment below what you think. 


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