Chapter 10

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Jack's Pov:

Rose and I take shower together till the hot water runs out. We get dressed in our night clothes afterward and sit down together and have dinner.

"And that stupid man was yelling at us because there wasn't enough zest in his lemon,' I finish telling my story to Rose who is now laughing so hard that her face is bright red and she is holding sides because they are hurting.

"Well, it's all so you can open an art store with Sam (his friends who he works with and who we lived with for a little bit) right?" I nod my head at her. Sam is a good businessman and if he can help me out, we can eventually, in a few years maybe, open an art store where people can buy what I draw. Rose wants to continue to teach at the school because she loves being with the children.

I help Rose clear the table, and afterwards we both sit on the couch together and relax for a little bit.

"So did I tell you, Sam and Lola are thinking about getting married." Rose lifts her head up off my chest and looks at me.

"What? Really! I'm happy for them, Sam is hinting that he will propose soon huh." I nod my head at her.

"He knows he can't afford a big ring right now, but he wants to give her what he can and they have been together a while, so I think they finally want to tie the knot." She lays her head in my lap and I play with the ends of her hair as I talk to her.

"He has been trying to figure out how to propose, because I think he has almost picked out the ring."

"That's amazing, we should go with him one day to see it, and we can help him out." Over the past few months, Lola and Rose have become very good friends just as Sam and I are.

"Ya actually, I'll talk to him when I see him at work." Rose pulls out a book and starts to read a little bit. She moves so she is laying on me with her head on my chest and I have a few papers to look at, but I can't help but think about Rose's happiness when I told her about Sam and Lola. We are living together and I love her so much, so maybe we should get married soon too. We talk about it a lot actually, but I want to wait a while, at least until we can save up a little more money. I start to read over Rose's shoulder a little bit, even though I know she hates it, and I realize that she is asleep. Her mouth is slightly open and her chest is going up and down. I put the little marker in and closed her book before picking her up and taking her into our bedroom.

I lightly set her down on the bed and pull the blanket to cover her body. I turn off the light and crawl into the bed next to her. I pull her close to me where her chest is against my back, the same way we sleep every night.

"Good night Rose, I love you." I kiss her cheek and bury my face into her red curls.

"I love you Jack," she quietly mumbles before falling back into a deep sleep.

That's it for this chapter. Thank you all so much for reading, and be sure to comment below what I can improve on.


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