Chapter One

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April 12 1844
Her lips pressed into a thin line as she fought back the wave of nausea that followed each lurch of the carriage. Eyes closing, her face pale. Danika Du Carte preferred to have her two feet on the ground rather than travel by coach. She had been this way since she was a child. At least as a young girl, she got to curl up next to her mother, Isabella who found ways to distract her younger self. A herd of sheep. Or flowers in full bloom dotting the landscape.

Unfortunately, her mother wasn't here due to a short illness and the lush green fields were absence of flowers.

In an effort to distract herself, her thoughts turned to William Arbor, her intended. A modestly handsome male with tousled sandy brown hair and greenish blue eyes. A smile played on her lips as she remembered how they met. An accidental collision at the town square had her blushed furiously and spluttering apologises. He steadied her with one arm, his easy going smile making her heart flutter. He apologised for his part in not paying attention and the next day, sent flowers to her home.
Correspondence were written and more flowers arrived with each passing day. A week ago, instead of a pretty bouquet of red roses, William arrived on her doorstep and confessed his desire for them to be wed.

Though it was not custom for a lady to accept her first proposal, Danika did for the simple fact; she had no other serious suitors. During her first season, she received many lustful gazes but that was where their interest ended. None were able to overlook her nervous disposition and cheeks in a permanent state of redness. By the end she gained a reputation as a wallflower which continued into her second season.
The memory of his reaction to her saying yes came to mind.

"Miss Du Carte, you have no idea how happy you have made me," William gushed, reaching for her hand.

All of them were in the drawing room. The fire's amber glow illuminating Isabella as she sat on the armchair next to it. An open book on her lap, the pages quickly forgotten by William's announcement. A blush creeping up Danika's neck which drew his eye there as he brought her hand to his mouth. His lips sealing over her knuckles. Her own lips parted into a soft "oh".
William's gaze flickered to her mother who looked quite pleased by his proposal then back to his intended. His lips curving into a knowing smile.

"Perhaps, you could escort me to the door?"

"O-of course." Hastily, she rose to her feet. 

No sooner had the door closed behind them, William spun. Danika's back hit the wall. His sudden closeness made her heart pounded against her chest. His hands on either side of her head. His face mere inches from her lips.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to have you alone," he murmured, his lips teasing hers.

"William." A breathlessness tone in her voice. "We cannot." She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back. "Not until our engagement is finalised."

Something in his expression darkened as he stared at her.

"I see," he said, a coldness entering his voice.  "Well then, I suppose I should depart to London to inform my family. Do join me when you can."

Her smile faded. Surely his sudden coldness was due to nerves about his impending announcement to his family. For what else could it be? Her fingers brushing over her bare left hand.

The path changed from smooth dirt to cobblestones as the carriage entered the city. Buildings of stone and held up by columns were stacked on top of each other. Narrow streets congested by members of high society who arrived back in the city for the highlight of the social calendar, the Season. Workers weaved their way through the streets, their pace brisk. Paper boys claimed the corners of each street, shouting the latest headline. Brightly coloured shop fronts, their doors open for all to browse and hopefully purchase an item or two. The modiste was a flurry of activity as young ladies clamoured to see the newest shipment of silks. The seamstress' hands full with colourful patterned fabric awaiting their transformation into gowns. A measuring tape around her neck.

On Bryant Street, ivy climbed along the iron-wrought gates surrounding each house. Their walls bursting at the seams with grandeur. Viscountess Victoria Salzburg stood on the steps of her home. An imposing woman in her early forties with blue eyes. Not a single strand of hair out of place, her golden curls pulled into a braided bun at the back. Pink feathers artfully placed to hide her grey streaks.

Hearing footsteps behind her, she whirled. Her sea foam green dress billowing at her feet as she did so. A sigh leaving her lips as she saw Amelia, her younger sister. A maid following her heels, frantically lacing up her mistress' gown. Amelia had at least rouge upon her cheeks and her caramel curls coiffured to perfection.

"I did inform you that we were expecting a guest today but it seems what I tell you goes in one ear and out the other." Victoria's voice curt. "And no," she said, holding up a hand to silence her sister's attempt to reply. "I don't wish to hear about your escapade of seducing a young lord."

Amelia's lips curved into a smile. "Oh but sister,  you are going to want to know about Silvio De Medici."

Victoria's eyes widened. She opened her mouth to inquire further when Holly, their maid spoke. "Ma'am, the carriage is approaching."

Gerald Du Carte had been a dear friend to the Salzburg sisters until his death four years ago. So when Isabella wrote to them, Victoria didn't hesitate in accepting the offer to host his daughter, Danika for as long as she needed. The carriage slowed to a halt. A footman opened the door, offering a hand as Danika descended the step.

An errant russet brown curl had escaped her chignon, its ends brushing past the creamy column of her neck. The slope of her nose and curvature of her jaw were all Gerald's but the rich earthy brown of her eyes and her oval face were inherited from Isabella. Unlike other ladies, Danika possessed a rather generous figure which clothed currently in a gown of cerulean and partially hidden beneath her travelling cloak.

"She is quite the beauty," Amelia commented.
Victoria nodded in agreement before stepping forwards. Danika dipped into a curtesy.

"Viscountess Salzburg," she said, her voice not betraying her inner nerves.

A smile lit up Victoria's face as she placed her hands on the young lady's arms. "Welcome to London, my dear."

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