No.1 Your Arrival

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You gazed at the pond as the fish swam peacefully in the clear, refreshing water. You walked to the water's edge, and your sudden approach caused them to hurriedly swim in the opposite direction. You couldn't remember why you were so on edge, but all you knew was that you had a longing to complete.

You caught sight of your reflection in the liquid, and you scrunched your eyebrows before swatting the water to ruin the reflected image of everything you were insecure about. Your cheeks weren't silky smooth like most girls in Teyvat, your nose wasn't as tiny, and your eyes weren't as big or 'wonder-filled'.

You hated that you were different, but you can't help anything you're born with. Whether it's looks, ideals, or even religion, you all get stuck with something you hate and wish you could change about yourselves.

You gripped your polearm until your fingers ached and your knuckles turned white; catching the attention of a young girl. She didn't approach you, and just watched from a distance as you felt your cheeks and under your jaw.

You definitely didn't have a perfect jawline, but you hated being reminded of it along with everything else you disliked about your appearance.

When you looked to her, she got scared and turned away when seeing your agitated expression. You rolled your eyes before dissipating your spear, allowing it to hover near your back as you walked away with your hands in your pockets. You headed in an unfamiliar direction until you came to a camp of hilichurls.

You clicked your tongue against your teeth as you tried ignoring them, and they continued jumping and dancing around one another. You were almost clear of the group until one of the hilichurls on a watch tower spotted you and shot an arrow in your direction.

Before you could turn around and counter, a blonde male with strange clothing and a... floating child of sorts(?) appeared behind you. He used his sword to block the sharp arrowhead, and he counter attacked with this anemo vision.

You said nothing and only watched as his movements seemed reckless yet graceful; experienced yet amateurish.

As the last monster was defeated, you shrugged your shoulders and only kept walking away from the pair.

"Hey! Aren't you going to thank us for saving you?!" The small girl yelled and you stopped in your tracks. You turned to meet the two, and the floating child had her arms crossed firmly over her chest with furrowed brows.

You faced them fully and gave them a nonchalant stare before opening your mouth to speak.

"I didn't ask for your help. Whether you two decided to jump into the fray or not was up to you, so don't go doing things for the sake of appraise from others."

The girl scoffed, and the blonde just pursed his lips into a thin line while scrunching his brows. Seeing that they'd heard your words, you walked away from them and fiddled with the ring in your pocket. It was a simple silver ring you'd received as a gift when you were younger, but you couldn't remember what the context was when you received it.

The smooth metal met your fingers as you kept caressing it gently within the confinement of your pocket. You passed by a cluster of Valberries, so you figured that you were near Stormbearer Mountains as you felt the soil compact beneath your heels.

You walked to the edge of one of the cliffs and sat as you took out your notebook and completed the last piece of your map.

You sketched the landscape until it was shaped correctly, so you shut the pages and placed it back in your pocket. You then stood up and squinted at the city below that you knew was Mondstadt.

"City of Freedom..." You began whispering to yourself while putting your hands in your pockets again. "...but at what cost, Anemo Archon Barbatos?"

You took a few steps back before running and jumping off of the cliff. You heard a yell behind you, but you ignored it as you began plummeting towards the ground at a rapid pace. You were about to spread your arms out until you felt someone's arms wrap around your figure tightly.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled, and met the same blonde traveler from before. He opened up a pair of windgliders, and you felt your breath escape you for a second before you both landed on the ground.

You pushed him away harshly and scowled as he began trying to check your body for any injuries.

"What the hell is your problem?! I was fine, I didn't need you to jump in like that!" You yelled while swatting his hands away, and the annoying small girl from before scoffed in surprise. You weren't mad that they "saved" you, but rather that they followed you all the way up that mountain.

"Why did you trail behind me? Was your need for my validation that imperative??" You yelled, causing them to both shrink back a bit.

"Hey! He only thought you were trying to... end it! This is the honorary knight of the Knights of Favonius, and he just saved you from death!" The small girl yelled in protest, and you rubbed your temples. You'd only heard her voice twice and you were already fed up with it.

"I may not be happy, but I have at least a little bit of respect for myself. Committing suicide is selfish, and I would never dream of it; not now at least." You retorted back, and the two seemed a bit more relieved than before.

The girl floated towards you with her hands behind her, and you leaned away from her as she approached you.

"What do you mean committing suicide is selfish?" She asked in her high-pitched tone, and you bit your bottom lip. Perhaps you'd said too much for these two to understand. They both seem content with the lives they're living, so of course they wouldn't understand how welcoming the idea of death was.

You sighed before putting your hands back in your pockets and clenching your fists while looking at the soil. "Committing suicide is basically telling everyone in your life, whether it be friends, family, loved ones... that they didn't mean enough for you to keep living. Every effort that was made to raise me would be futile, and every friendship I'd made would be meaningless."

When you turned to look up at them, they seemed both fearful and deep in thought as they looked at one another. Your mind thought back to her earlier words, and raised a brow. "You said...he's the honorary knight of Mondstadt?" You asked, and the two nodded.

"Uh huh! He's from another world, and we're looking for his twin sister!" The small girl replied, and you gave a nod. "His name is Aether, and Paimon's Paimon! What's your name?" She asked, and you grimaced slightly before looking to the unusual pair once again.

"My name is Y/n." You answered, and Aether gave a soft smile. They began conversing with one another, and you couldn't help but feel out of place between their playful conversation. You'd grown up training by yourself for most of your life, so you had no need to be social or outgoing towards others.

You looked up at the sunset-filled sky and closed your eyes as you felt a gentle breeze tussle your loose locks of h/c hair. You then began fiddling with the seams of your fingerless gloves and looked up at the orange-hued clouds that inhabited the atmosphere.

"Y/n was mean to us! For that she deserves an ugly nickname! Let's see..." Paimon started before rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Ooh! Paimon's got it! From now on, you'll be known as Mischievous Pocket Protector!" She exclaimed, and you furrowed your brows in confusion.

"What? You always have your hands in your pockets!"

You rolled your eyes and began walking away from the pair until they ran to you and Aether grabbed your shoulder.

"Hey, maybe we should take you to Mondstadt." He muttered quietly, but you shook your head slowly at his suggestion. You still had something to do that couldn't wait, and it was imperative that you do it.

"Hold on, Aether! Paimon's not so sure that the knights would act so welcoming to Mischievous Pocket Protector if she were to just waltz in! Especially Captain Kaeya, since he's known for scheming and such." She spoke, and your eyes widened. You turned your head to her rapidly and locked your eyes with her.

"Kaeya? Kaeya Alberich?" You asked to confirm your thoughts. She nodded before describing him, saying that he was tall with navy blue hair and an eyepatch over his right eye.

"You said he's the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt?" You inquired and the two nodded their heads.

"Take me to him."

Word Count: 1503

(A/n: ohh boy here we go w Kaeya)

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