Ch. 31) Patton's b-day!!

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//Trigger warnings!! Mention of blood. I think that's it!! Let me know if I missed any!!

"... Too bad I'm always one step ahead."

The words echoed in Virgil's head as he grabs onto Roman and Patton, backing up.

Patton squeaks and turns around, bumping into a bloody and beaten up Remus standing behind them with his mace, Janus not to far behind, his staff in hand. It seemed like there was no way out. At least to them.

In a split second Roman had come up with a plan, tackling his brother to the ground, holding him down long enough for Patton and Virgil to get away.

"Roman!!" The moral side tried to go back for him, Virgil trying to hold him back. He wasn't able to, Janus grabbing onto the bubbly side and restricting him so he couldn't go anywhere. "No!! Let me go!! Stop!! Virgil!! Roman!!" Patton thrashed and kicked, getting out of Janus' arms for a moment before he was immediately grabbed again, a hand being put over his mouth to keep him quiet.

"Now, Virgil. You should've been smarter about this. I'm not gonna let you go this time-" Insanity's voice fades out as Virgil squeezes his eyes shut, praying to anything out there to help him.

It was just a split second, he barely saw him but Roman was with him, white walls surrounded them. Blood flowed out of him like a river as he reaches out for Virgil. He could feel himself falling into the white abyss, reaching out to him.

He jolted up, sweat sticking his hair to his head. His bed, his sheets, his room. He was home again. All that happened faded out of his mind for a second before he got up, going to find Logan. Virgil couldn't waste any more time. He needed him. All he knew was that he had to save his friends and Roman, his love. The one person he would do anything for.

~small time skip brought to you by Virgil's purple eye shadow~

A knock was heard at Logan's door, him setting his book down to go open it. Logan creases his eyebrows together when he sees Virgil, allowing him in. "Go sit on the bed and tell me what's wrong." Spending time with Patton made him understand when his 'kids' or boyfriend was upset.

Virgil doesn't sit down pacing around and running his shaking hands through his hair. "Logan. I need your help. Roman, Patton, and I habe been kidnapped. We can't get away. An-and he has Remus and Janus-"

Logan cuts him off by holding up a hand. "Hold on. You haven't been kidnapped. You're right here. All three of you. Who is Janus?" The poor nerd seemed so confused and concerned.

"Janus? You know... H-he told us his name and Roman made fun of.... Did that not happen? Does he still go by Deceit here?" He finally sits down on the bed, Logan handing him water to try and calm him down.

"No, he still goes by Deceit. He has a name? This is besides the point. Tell me everything." He sits down next to him, a hand rubbing his shoulder as Virgil nods, speaking up and telling him about everything.

//Okay!! Today is Patton's birthday so I'm gonna make a small thing here for him!! Enjoy!

Virgil had been tasked with keeping Patton away from the house all day so the others could set up his surprise birthday party.

Right now, the two of them were looking through a pet shop, Patton cooing at a small husky puppy. "He's so cute, Vi!! I wish I could have him but it looks like someone already bought him. I hope he got a good home!"

Virgil give a small yet knowing smile. "I'm sure he got an amazing home, Pop star. Now come on or else we won't be able to get candy. But don't tell Logan that I got it for you."

Patton cheers and runs out of the store, Virgil being quick to follow with a laugh.

~skip to the others~

Remus was holding Roman up on his shoulders, helping him get the banner hung up. Of course Remus got bored and started moving around, causing Roman to wack him in the head and tell him to be still.

This caused an argument between the two, Janus walking over and smacking Remus on the back of the head. "Sssshut up!! We only have 30 minutesss left!!" It was obvious he was stressed because his lisp and snuck out. The twins were quick to apologize and finish the decorations.

Logan ushered over Janus, having him help him with the cake and everything else. "Do you want to go get his gift, Janus? Please?" He

He nods, grabbing the keys. "Let me know when he gets back okay? Its gonna take a while before I get back and I don't want to be late." Logan just nods as Janus leaves, going to get the gift.

~back to the other two~

"Its time to go home. Its getting dark." Virgil texts Roman back letting him know that they were on their way home.

Patton sighs and leans against Virgil a bit. "Thank you for doing this for me, kiddo. You made today an amazing today."

He huffs and looks away, his face flushing in embarrassment. "It was no problem. Really. Now, come on."

~small time skip~

"Why don't you go in first?" Virgil offers, Patton nodding and throwing open the door.

The others jump out from their hiding places, cheering a shouting. "Surprise!!"

Patton squeals as he giggles, running over to Logan and hugging him tightly. "Awwww!! You guys did remember!! This is amazing..." He had happy tears in his eyes.

Logan pried him away from him, smiling. "Of course we did. Now come on, lets celebrate."

~to after the party and time for presents~

"Okay, now is the best part!!" Roman claps his hands together, watching as Janus walks in with a pretty big box.

"Is that for me?" Patton takes the box from Janus, opening the lid and gasping. "Oh my gosh!! You didn't!!" He picks up the husky puppy, hugging it and giggling as it kisses his face. "The puppy from the store, Virgil!!"

Virgil nods, smiling as he leans against Roman. "Yeah, I told you it had a good home didn't I?"

This causes Roman to laugh softly and kiss Virgil's forehead. "You little sneak. Foreshadowing this moment."

With all said and done, Patton had an amazing birthday and a new puppy he named Muddy. He even got Logan to give him a kiss and cuddles.

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