Ch. 30) I ran out of title ideas-

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//Trigger warnings: None that I know of.

Also, I know I haven't updated in forever and I'm trying my best guys. I'm sorry I take so long T^T I just hope that you still like the book and hopefully I'll be updating more!!



Virgil ran out of the room, praying that his friend was alright. Friend.. Are they still friends? He slowed down as he nears Janus' door, shaking a bit as he knocks on the door. "H-hello?!" The door swung open, Janus leaning against his door frame, his eyes narrowed as he looks Virgil up and down.

"What /don't/ you want? Why are you her- Ompf-!!" He stumbles back as Virgil practically launches himself at the snake.

"You're okay!! Thank god..." The emo lets out a shaky breath, holding onto Janus tightly, tears streaming down his cheeks along with eyeshadow.

"What do you mean I'm okay? Of course I am-" Janus slowly hugs him back, trying to calm him down. "What /didn't/ happen to cause this?" He was worried that the lights may have done something to hurt him. Especially Roman. Janus didn't like that Virgil had a crush on him at all.

"D-don't you remember? The whole thing with Insanity....?" He pulls away slightly, just enough to see Janus pale and push him away.

"What do you mean? You aren't supposed to know he exists. How do you know?" Virgil bringing Insanity up brought back so many bad memories for Jan.

"But he-" Of course right at the most important part Roman had to storm in and pull put his sword.

"Take another step towards him snake and I'll take your hat!!!" It was the best threat he had at the moment. Janus raises his hands and steps back.

"Don't touch my stuff, Roman, or else I swear-"

"Ha!! You're just a liar so I don't find you threatening at all! Especially since your dating my brother!!" He points his sword at him more with a laugh. This catches Virgil off guard though.

"Wait- You're dating Remus?!? Since when?!" Roman lowers his sword and both him and Janus look at him like he's insane.

"Yes, we've been dating ever since you and Roman got together. Don't you remember? Its been about a year." The yellow side states, worry lacing his voice.

"Y-your lying. Me and Ro, we aren't..." He pales as he looks between the two. "Are we? What happened?! I thought that- thought that-" He had started to go into a small panic attack.

"Virgil, are you feeling okay? Virgil!!!" The prince had dropped his sword in order to catch Virgil when he fainted. "Deceit!! What did you do to him?!?!"

Janus raises his hands. "I didn't do anything!! I don't know why he fainted and I'm being honest!!"

Their voices faded out into the background as Virgil woke up, but not in Roman's arms. He was back in the room, the chain on his foot again. It was right before they tried to escape. Roman had just knocked out Remus and they were running down the hall. Virgil reached out and grabbed onto Roman's arm tightly. "Roman? We can't. Lets go the other way, trust me."

This paused Patton and Roman, both of them looking at him for a moment before they nod.

"Alright, we can go the other way. Why are you changing your mind all of a sudden?"

"No time to talk, come on, follow me." He grabs their hands, quickly leading them down the other hall.

Virgil had no idea what was going on but he couldn't find out which reality was actually real. He felt pain in all of them, and all the physics seemed to work like normal. Something had to be off enough for him to notice. A small detail- What could it be and where would he find it?

Wait, he knows where! He needs to find Logan. Get them all back to the house, now. But a laugh cut them off, someone stepping out of the shadows.

"Good job!! You're learning quickly, Virgil. To bad I'm always one step ahead."

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