Ch.8) Ignoring all our history.

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\\A/N.  I apologize about the lack of updates. The chapters will start to come out a bit slower because of the fact that I recently got grounded. I will try my best to get  ungrounded so I can get back on my regular updates. Also, there might be some mistakes in this chapter and most likely the next because of the device I am currently using so I apologise in advance!!\\

*Logan's pov*

         I have to admit that I do feel better after apologizing to Virgil. I'm just happy that he actually accepted my apology. That did surprise me to be honest. Now, to the important matters at hand. The reason I went around asking about stuffed animals is because I wanted to know how many all of us light sides had all together. Turns out we have at least 70 of them because of my four stuffed animals. This was a pointless task but I was curious about it so I decided to ask.

       \\Tiny time skip just cuz.//

    After almost 30 minutes of zoning out and being lost in my thoughts, I realized that I had drawn all over my notes page with tiny hearts and Patton's name. I groan and rest my head in my hands. Feelings are terrible. I don't understand them at all!! "Maybe I could talk to Patton about this? No, that would not be wise to do because he is the person of subject. Maybe Roman could help? Yeah, I'll ask him tomorrow for help." The small debate with myself ended in a short amount of time, around ten minutes. Deciding to go to bed I lay down and take off my glasses after putting on some pajamas. Switching off my lamp I fall into quite a peaceful sleep.

^Patton's pov^

     Ever since Logan showed up I have been writing in my diary about him. I had decided to put it down after about an hour or so. Looking around my room I sigh and pick up an old game Thomas used to love to play with. I smile lightly as I think about certain memories of Thomas as a child. He was so happy and bubbly. Don't get me wrong he still is, but not as much as he used to be. Without even noticing I did it, I wound up in my bed with my cat pajamas on. Letting out a small sigh I let my mind drift off to thoughts of dogs, cats, Roman, Thomas, Virgil, and Logan. Logan, I don't even know when I started to even get a crush on him. "Maybe I should talk to him tomorrow." I though as I slowly fell asleep with my stuffed animals surrounding me. "Yeah, that sounds fun."

~Roman's pov~

       It was morning time and I woke up to the glorious sun shining in my face. Deciding that the best thing to do before presenting myself to the others is to take a shower, I head to my bathroom to do that.

        \\Time skip brought to you by Virgil being called Hot Topic.//

      Finally I was done with my shower. After getting dressed in my outfit I walk down to the kitchen to see Logan and Patton. Logan, of course, is reading his book and drinking black coffee and Patton is cooking breakfast.
    "Hello Roman." Logan didn't even look up from his book when he said that. Patton whirled around and smiled at me.
      "Good morning Roman!! How did you sleep?!" Patton was a bit more bubbly today than normal, which is kind of hard to do considering that he is always super bubbly and happy.
      "I slept good Patton. What happened to make you....uh,more happy today?" I waved my hands around a bit to try and get my point across. Patton looked at me wide eyed then blushed and suddenly got very interested in his pancakes. "Patton, what happened? " He waves at me to get me to go away and I laugh. "You know you still have some explaining to do about what happend last night." Logan cleared his throat.
     "May I know what happened last night?" He looked between me and Patton.    "HEYROMANWHYDON'TYOUGOANDGETVIRGIL?!?!?!" Patton said really fast. I laughed and started to walk away.
     "Patton if you don't explain I will tell Logan. Bye now!!" I ran up the stairs before Patton could answer back.

   *Virgil's pov*

      I woke up with a pounding headach. My arms hurt so much from last night.
     "Morning Virgil!" Insanity's voice echoes through my room. "Wait." I look up to see Insanity sitting on the bottom of my bed. He was in a black suit. I jumped up and pressed myself against the headboard of my bed.
     "W-what are y-you...." I couldn't finish the sentence. Insanity just smiled at me.
     "I am here because I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done Virgil. You did exactly as I asked of you!" A sick smile spread across his face now.
     "L-leave me alone!!" I looked around to try and find my way out of this situation but I couldn't.
     "Fine, but I will be back later and with another task for you. Just remember to never ignore our history Virgil." With that said, Insanity left. I slumped down into my bed just as a knock sounded from my door.
     "Hey Hot topic. Patton wants you downstairs. " I smiled a tiny bit and walked over to the door instantly knowing who it was. Opening the door I lean against the fram.
     "Awwww. You think I'm hot princy?" Roman scoffed a bit and turned away. Little did I know that he was actually trying to hide a blush from me.

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