Chapter 21

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Brandon's POV

" She told me put my heart in a bag and nobody gets hurt, now I'm running from her love , I'm not fast so I'm making it work"

Juice Wrld song Robbery was playing on the radio while I drove around in circles. I kept asking myself questions that I didn't have an answer to and it was leaving me frustrated.

I stopped at a gas station a, to get a few snacks and head back home. I turned my phone off to block everyone off.

Why did Greta do this to me?

Will I take her back?

What about Rihanna?

Rihanna has been there for me these past five months more than any one else. I have to admit that I have grown really attached to her but I think I'm still in love with Greta.

Was it even love?

When I got home the lights were on and I shrugged it off thinking it was Tamara and Greta.

Then I saw my mother and father with Greta following behind.

" What are you guys doing here?" I sighed, I had enough to deal with.

" Why didn't you tell us we were going to be grandparents Brandon?" I choked on my spit, you've got to be fucking with me right now.

The door bell rang and I jumped to answer it so I could avoid the awkward situation. I opened the door and saw Rihanna with a sad look on her face and some files in her hands.

" Sorry for coming this late, but these need to be signed so I can stamp them tonight" I nodded and let her in and my mother sure wasn't happy to see her unlike my father.

" Rihanna dear it's been awhile" my father hugged her and she returned the greeting .

But then came my mother

" Rihanna you have gained weight " she said disgusted, I rolled my eyes. My mother never missed a chance to body shame Rihanna.

" Goodnight " she said with a fake smile plastered all over her face. The room was filled with tension , from Greta's previous lie and Rihanna's presence.

" Have you heard the big news? Greta is going to have a baby " she smirked in Rihanna's face while she stared in shock.

" Congratulations?"

" Yes I don't know why it took these rowdy kids so long to give us a grand baby " she rubbed her hand over Greta's stomach and I pinched my nose bridge.

" Brandon's expecting a baby with Greta?" Her voice cracked at the end and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

" Rihanna it's...." she gave my hand a firm squeeze.

" I'm happy for you" she smiled painfully, and left.

Did I just lose the only woman that cared for me?

Should I run after her?

But I was a coward, I stood there and said nothing about the situation.

An: Hey guys , thank you for the support ❤️

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